Friday, July 23, 2010

ICU No More

I'm sorry for the late update. I worked on a long letter to Sinae yesterday which occupied most of my time. We received good news from the surgeon yesterday that Mom would be transferred out of ICU and that she could try liquids. Mom just ordered lunch and they said she could have soup. The Physical Therapist recommended that Mom go to the physical therapy unit before going home. It sounds like they may transfer her there by the weekend or early next week and then after she is there for a week she may be able to go home.

Mom is coming right along, recovering from all the drugs in her system, a lot less blunt, and is freely using the telephone. All of the things unique to Mom's personality are coming alive. She even played Old Maid with JoAnn (My sister-in-law), Emma and Tammy (Mom's granddaughters) and she seemed to do fairly well. She was happy that yesterday went faster than the day before and she slept well until 3 am.

Mom's legs still feel a little bit rubbery so that part of her is still uncomfortable. I guess that is to be expected after lying in bed for nearly a week without any movement outside of the bed. I suspect they will try to get her walking at least to a chair in her room by the end of the day. They had her sitting at the side of her bed two times and a nurse stood with her the third time while they did some maintenance on her catheter.

Right now she and Grandpa seem to be having a normal conversation in her room. The surgeon told me that she thinks Mom is doing very well so this is good news to me. Mom had to have the gauze on her wound vac replaced for the second time and she said it went better than the first time. Mom had a temperature last night but they seemed to nip that in the bud with a little more antibiotic.

Mom is at the stage where she seems able to have conversation very comfortably so if you are in the area and have the time, feel free to drop by.

Thanks for all your prayers, support and the time you give to think about Mom.


Leland Dirks said...

Wonderful news! I'm glad!

Brent Dirks said...

Yes, indeed! Thanks for following this blog.