Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Houseguest

Meet Squiggy! He came to Sinae and I all the way from Ohio. This is his first trip where he traveled alone but this is not his first trip to another country. He's been all over the place. He even kept soldiers in Afghanistan company. He's quiet but his presence is an encouragement to those of us living abroad. He also brought letters from the class he belongs to which were a great encouragement to me on a day when I was about fit to be tied. He is part of an educational project which the teacher who sent him to me uses to teach her students, one of which is the oldest daughter of two of my best friends. So far we've taken over 250 pictures so even though this was originally for a group of elementary school students hopefully this will give you a little more of a chance to see what life is like in Korea for Sinae and I.


Ron K. said...

How does one manage to look so serious while driving down the highway with a monkey on his shoulder! :-)

Brent Dirks said...

Very simple! In order to amuse one's spouse. Try it sometime.

Oldman said...

Aww, you are a good husband! My hat's off to the husband who tries to amuse his wife and make her smile. ^^

Brent Dirks said...

They say, "If Momma's happy, everybody's happy." I submit that we could just as easily say, "If the wife is happy, everybody is happy," or perhaps even further, "If both spouses are happy then everybody is happy.

Nice use of the eastern smiley emoticon.