Thursday, February 21, 2013

Good news during Lent

Does that sound like an oxymoron? There's a lot on here about how difficult my life is and how I don't see God doing much in my life. But today has been quite the contrary. Granted, I did lose my patience when I couldn't understand a real estate conversation in Korean, we made peace with that thanks to my wife and I had a wonderful day. I was told that it might get my university to approve me working at another university in addition to what I am currently doing. But that turned out not to be the case at all. I was told the number of hours I could work and that has coincided very well with what the university (the second one) has available. Granted we both wanted me to do more, but given schedule conflicts and university policies, I am pleased with the results. I guess time will tell whether or not this is of God but I think I'm going to take a moment right now to thank God for smiling down on me. But right now it doesn't feel like God is smiling DOWN at me as much as God is smiling at me, like we are in the same place at the same time. I've still got an amazing amount of energy. I think I'm going to spend some time thanking God and see if that time surpasses the amount of time I spend complaining that good things don't happen. By the way, I don't think good news during Lent is an oxymoron. To the contrary, I think God wants us to spend some time mopping the floors of our hearts, or perhaps God just wants us to submit to the Spirit's work, so that we can see God smiling at us in the same moment in time, rather than smiling at us from another location and another point in time. I've mopped the floors of my apartment, now I think I need the Holy Spirit cleaning service to do a spic-and-span job on me.

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