Friday, June 28, 2024

"Holes": A Book Review

 Holes (Holes Series): Louis Sachar, Vladimir Radunsky, Bagram Ibatoulline:  8601234593263: Books

This picture is from

I saw this movie with one of my Uncle Kenneth at a curious time, after my paternal grandmother passed away. It was the first time this uncle and I saw a movie at a movie theater, and the only time. I didn't know much about it. I was a university student at the time. I don't remember it having much of an impact on me. But the experience with my uncle was certainly meaningful. I've never forgotten it.

Recently, I read the book. My wife purchased a bunch of books for my 9-year-old son to read. But the problem is, he is not reading them too aggressively, so I've been reading them to encourage him to read them. That's not having a lot of effect so far. Currently he and I are tied.

I have to say, I enjoyed the book much more than the movie. The main character is Stanley Yelnats (You bright ones will notice that his last name is his first name spelled backwards and vice versa). He was at the wrong place at the wrong time and was accused of stealing a famous athletes shoes. 

The judge gave him the choice of going to jail or "camp." He and his parents chose the latter. The boys at this so-called camp have one task everyday, to dig a hole five feet deep by five feet high. Once they dig one hole, they are done for the day and the rest of the time is theirs. 

Child abuse? Of course! And that's why the "camp" eventually gets shutdown. The timing of it is curious. A boy whose alias is "Zero" runs away from the camp. He is actually the boy who stole the shoes that fell on Stanley. A few days later, Stanley worried about him dying in the desert and so he went looking for him.

Surprisingly, he found him and they went up a mountain Stanley was curious about, stayed there for a few days where they found water and then they went down the mountain and returned to camp. While they were gone, a lawyer arrived at the camp to rescue Stanley. 

Stanley could have just left on his own but he was worried about Zero. So it worked out that Zero went with Stanley, thanks to the attorney. While the Attorney General looked for records, he found there were some peculiarities about this camp that go all the way to the Warden. 

Of course, digging the holes wasn't just for building character in the boys but the Warden wanted to find buried treasure. 

There was a white woman who kissed a black man and he got killed for it. Way back when, it was illegal for an African American to kiss a white woman but the opposite was totally legal (Explain to me how that double-standard works out). 

At this time in my life, I had rarely met African Americans as it was prior to my seminary experience in Kansas City. This part gripped me much more while reading the book than what I remember when I watched the movie.

This book reads much like a movie and if you make it to the last five chapters, you will be gripped for the remainder of the book. I haven't read a book that keeps my attention like that for a long time.

This book is highly recommended, though there are a few swear words, which is disappointing given that I  am trying to encourage my son to read it. But aside from that, the plot is good and it will especially grab the typical American boy who likes a story of triumph, where justice is restored.

As for Zero, you'll have to read the book for yourself to find out whether he has to go to jail or juvenile hall or some kind of boys camp for what he wrongfully did. But rest assured, you'll be encouraged.

"American Prophet": A Review

If one wants to read about the political issues during the Donald Trump presidency, this is your book. The main character is a prophet whom God speaks to through dreams. He can tell the difference between a God-initiated dream and a regular dream. It may be the surreal nature of  dreams that sets these "visions" aside. 

Perhaps it's my living in another country that shelters me from the news about the US, but I don't recall hearing any politician talk about the core issues during the presidency of Donald Trump and his responsibility of how he handled those issues. Upon reading this book, the reader will pick up on a progressive Christian perspective. The real names of those involved in leading the country have been changed but the reader will quickly recognize who they are.

The reader is to be warned. There are references to drinking alcohol, and the prophet does commit the sin of a one-night stand. There is occasional profanity, too. Being the tea-totaling Nazarene that I am, I think this book could maintain its message without these things, so take it as you will.

If these things don't bother you, it will be an easy read that puts historical events like the killing of an African American by a police officer, riots, hurricanes and Covid-19 into perspective.

More to the point is that it leaves the reader with a question to wrestle with, what to do when one knows trouble is coming and how to save lives in the immediate. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

It's Okay!

 Free Mountaineer Snow photo and picture

Photo by Noel Bauza via Pixabay.

I had the most novel dream recently. I went to my wife's hometown in Chuncheon-City, Gangwon Province in South Korea. I wanted to take pictures of the mountainous area but I didn't get the chance because it rained all weekend. Well, in my dream I got quite the pictures.

The photo above doesn't do justice. I was hiking in snow-covered mountains, going crazy with pictures. I even had a fancy camera (I believe you avid photographers call it a DSLR camera). When lo and behold,  there my deceased Uncle Leland appeared. Naturally, I took a picture of him and then we talked.

Mostly we talked about how everything went south with his intellectual property. To understand this situation, you need to understand the heavy heart I've been carrying. This uncle told me when I lived in the US that he wanted me to be the executor of his estate and apparently he told several other people about it, too. But once I moved out of the US, that was no longer practical. I asked him several years ago about his estate and he said he had made provisions. Well anyway, through all of that drama that happened with his intellectual property (i.e Facebook page, Tumbler account, self-published books on Amazon) either being deleted or books no longer allowed to be published through no choice or action of my own, I carry a heavy heart daily, wishing "if only." 

How nice that I got to express this to him, even if it was in a dream, and tell him how sorry I am that I didn't protect his things better. I told him I was sorry and how bad I felt and he said, "That's okay." 

One would think that would've made me feel better but it didn't. I tried to compromise with those who are in authority on those matters and I lost them, too. And so now it seems a huge loss.

And I carry it with me. No, I wouldn't call it a cross. That's a whole different matter altogether. Needless to say, the dream didn't really settle me. It was more upsetting in some ways that I couldn't really talk to my beloved uncle who was now gone. But I fretted over things more and there are still thoughts in the back of my mind about taking action for justice, but then I think, "What would I gain?" What has been done is done. It's probably best to leave dead dogs lying, as the saying goes.

And so, I go forward, remembering the lessons I learned from Uncle Leland, grateful for the dreams where I get to meet him, grateful for the resources that he left behind that I get access to, that I can read about those parts of him that I didn't know very well. And, as embarrassing as it is to admit, there were lots of things I didn't know about him.

May he rest in peace and "may the Lord of peace himself give [me] peace at all times in all ways. The Lord be with all of [us]. 2 Thessalonians 3:16 NRSV 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Bible Reading Plans

Free Praying Bible photo and picture 

Photo by [doungtepro] via Pixabay

I wanted to share some ways I read the Bible these days. 

1. Reading the Bible Backwards

One way that is intermittent, is reading the Bible "backwards." I started in Revelation and am currently in Luke. It's been more intermittent recently. I think this works best when reading books of the Bible in one setting. But that's been harder as of late. 

2. "Keys for Kids"

Another way that I've done with my son recently is with "Keys for Kids." Here is the link. Currently, there is a challenge for kids to read the scripture passages and the devotional. This is what got my son interested. The name of the summer reading program is "Word with Zach." Here is the link for that. Upon starting with this, I thought it was a "canon within the canon" where the focus is on Pauline literature but upon further investigation there is also Old Testament and Gospel reading as well. I think it's a good way to get kids interested in the Bible when they aren't interested in reading whole chapters.

3. "Bible Baptist of Belzview"

Another way which I've done hit and miss is with Bible Baptist of Belzview. Here is the link for that. If you are looking for reading from the KJV that doesn't have any roots to the Roman Catholic Church or the Revised Common Lectionary, this could be a good option for you. Or, if you're like me and you get distracted easily and having emails sent to you that remind you to read the Bible, this could be a good resource. As far as I know the chapters and books are not planned according to theme like lectionaries might be. The point is to read the Bible in its entirety.

4. "Revised Common Lectionary"

If you're looking for a more historical approach, the Revised Common Lectionary might be a good approach for you. These readings are matched according to their themes in accordance with the Church Year, which Roman Catholic, Orthodox and more classic Protestant Churches as a whole follow, such as the United Methodist Church, Lutheran Church, Episcopal/Anglican Church et cetera. I prefer the Book of Common Prayer among these but if you're looking for a more neutral resource, Vanderbilt University has a well-organized website. Here is that link. If you want to see my favorite way for connecting with the Church internationally, here is a link to The Online Book of Common Prayer which includes daily readings called the Daily Office Lectionary as well as the Lectionary. Here is the link for that.

5. "Lectio 365"

One more way that I have followed off and on is with Lectio 365, an app provided for free from 24-7 Prayer. This is not to be confused with the International House of Prayer. That's a different organization. The app is available for both Android and iPhones. Here is the link for that. 

I'll update this with other reading plans I find. You're welcome to share your own ideas in the comments. I might look at these different platforms for future review. Let me know what you like and I'll start with that.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Korean Daybreak Service

Free Cathedral Architecture photo and picture

Image from Pixabay.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us... (Hebrews 12:1, RSV) (Bible Gateway)

 I've been attending daybreak services, called 새벽기도회, (sae-byeok-kido-hoi). The church I attend has services at 5:00 and 6:10 am. I go to the 5:00 am service because it enables me to get home by 6:00 am, in time to wake my son up so he can start on his schoolwork and get ready for school.

This is quite the paradigm shift for me. I've probably mocked the notion of having a service that early in the morning as false religion, excessive worship or something like that.

What brought this change on? Well, two people I was close to have passed away recently. The first was my Uncle Leland Dirks, who was discovered dead on February 15, 2024. The second was my Korean-American second cousin (no pun intended), Mee Ae Wolney, who died on April 4, 2024. It seems that more and more of the people in my life who have had such a great impact on my life are dying. In some ways, it is beginning to feel like God is the only one I can count on.

Actually, I started going to daybreak services to pray for Mee Ae, that God would heal her. It seemed to be working well. She started getting better. Then I missed two days and during that time is when she passed away.

So back to the daybreak services. Here is the worship sequence. It's quite simple.

1. Everybody recites the Apostles' Creed.

2. Everybody sings a hymn from the back of our Bibles (Korean Bibles have a mini-hymnal in the back).

3. A short sermon (In smaller churches, the senior pastor usually preaches but my church has enough associate pastors that there is a rotation). Right now, they are preaching a series on 1 Kings.

4. The pastor then closes in prayer, which ties into the benediction.

5. The pastor then reads the names of people who gave offering. Offering is given by placing money in envelopes and writing one's name and placing it on the podium/mini-pulpit comparable to a music stand. 

6. Brief mention of prayer requests.

7. People are then encouraged to raise their hands and cry out "주여" (Ju-yeo, which means "Lord) three times. Then people pray individually, quietly or out loud. The officiating pastor prays at loud at first and then either sits down with the congregation to pray or leaves the room where the service is being held. 

To my surprise, this service gives me a surge of energy. I have to get up at 4:00 am, so naturally, I'm sometimes tired. But if I don't go to the service then I feel tired and guilty for not going. So the reward for going far outweighs the inconvenience of getting up before the crack of dawn.

I think one of the reasons why this prayer meeting is so meaningful to me is that I'm not just praying alone. It reminds me of Hebrews 12:1, quoted above, that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. I feel like I am surrounded by those witnesses. When I don't know what to say, I love to watch people pray. It gives me encouragement and a hope that they are also praying for me and that while God hears their prayers, that God will hear mine also.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Book Review: "A Natural History of Scripture"

If you are looking for a perspective on the Bible that is easier to read, that explains the Bible from its origin to where we are today, A Natural History of Scripture: How the Bible Evolved by Keith H. Adkins just may be what you're looking for. Having studied theology but never quite figuring out how to articulate what I learned in college, this book is a must-read for anybody who wants to know where the Bible comes from or someone who just graduated from college but is having difficulty figuring out how to piece everything together or how to articulate it to those s/he is ministering to. Below, I offer a review of this book with my own perspective.

First, a summary. This book has 8 chapters. It starts easy. So easy, in fact you can breeze through the first half of the book. The book is broken into four parts. Part one is titled, "Prenatal Stage: Storytellers." It only includes chapters 1 which is entitled, "Oral History: The Theory of Common Descent." Part two, "Infant Stage: Writers," consists of chapter two, which is called, "Written History: Earliest Fossils in the Bible," and chapter 3 which is about, "Prophets: First Branch of a New Species." Part 3 is entitled, "Adolescent Stage: Editors, and includes chapter 4 which is called, "Priests: Gradualism in Action, chapter 5, which is named, "Translators: Diversity Strikes Again," and chapter 6 which is entitled, "Evangelists: Adaptation at Work." Part 4 is entitled, "Adult Stage: Standardizers" and includes chapter 7, which is entitled, "Politicians: Natural Selection in Process," and chapter 8, called, "Publishers: Elements of Microevolution."

This book follows a very specific approach, meshing the Scriptures with Darwinian evolution. This may be shocking to some readers who may be attracted to the simple reading level of this book. But even if one is not an evolutionist, I think one can gain great value from reading this book.

The reason is that while Keith Adkins starts with a simple (not simplistic) explanation of how the Bible began, as the book progresses, he goes deeper and deeper into the history of the Bible. While he emphasizes the human aspects of the development of the Bible and one may think early on that he denies the synergism of the human with the divine, that is not the case. He underscores that in the end with a connection of the hypostatic (divine-human) nature of Christ to the Bible. 

If one is interested in the King James Bible (KJB), one will gain an appreciation for the historical context of where that Bible came from. And if one is partial to more modern translations, s/he will gain an appreciation of where that Bible came from as well. 

As I said in the beginning, this book summarizes very well my experience in undergrad and seminary, but especially undergrad. I can recall my professors saying things that were referenced in their classes. For example, Dr. Tom Phillips at Eastern Nazarene College at the time, who spoke of the diversity of the Church from it's inception in Biblical Literature and Dr. George Lyons spoke of redaction in his New Testament Interpretation class. 

This is a book that would be good not only for college students or college graduates but also those who want to know more about the Bible. In fact, I'd like to use this book as a preface to a Bible study with students at the university I teach at in South Korea. 

Thank you, Keith H. Adkins, a fellow Wesleyan, for bringing scholarship to the masses in a readable format that those with formal theological training and those without can gain thanks to your diligent work.

A Natural History of Scripture Website
Keith H. Adkins’ Website


 Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author and/or publisher through the Speakeasy blogging book review network. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

If I Were There...

It’s 1:16 am, Korean standard time. Somewhere between the coffee late in the day and the coming funeral of my dear Grandpa, Glen William Michael, is coming and I now have two broken hearts. First, because I lost not just a grandpa (my second and last grandpa actually) but a friend. Second, because I can’t attend the funeral because of COVID-19. I always hoped I’d be officiating at Grandpa’s funeral and now I can’t even attend. But I know he is in good hands, better hands, with the minister officiating, the Reverend Jim Crist.

Even if I couldn’t officiate I imagined I’d be able to say something at Grandpa’s funeral. Just so you know, I’m still having a hard time associating those two words. It all seems so surreal. Somewhere between my association between Missouri (a.k.a. the show-me state) and my identification with Thomas (arguably the greatest disciple who went from doubting the resurrection of Jesus to being executed as one of Jesus’ apostles according to legend), I’ve always viewed it as vitally necessary to attend the funeral and see the body with my own two eyes. Well, perhaps for the first time I have to believe the oral and written testimony of those around me and just so you know, I’m not doing so well with that!

So, if I had the privilege of being able to stand in front, this is what I would say. Not to be a spoiler but I believe there are some mysteries about Grandpa’s life that need revealing. Okay, so I think I know something about Grandpa that nobody else does and it’s probably, no it’s certainly not true, could you please humor me as I go through this grieving process. Since I’m writing, I can’t guarantee you anything short and since this will probably not be read at Grandpa’s funeral, I don’t intend to please. Without further ado, this is on your behalf, Grandpa. I hope I don’t screw it up.

I’ll never forget after I lost my paternal grandfather, Erwin Dirks. I only have two memories of him. Both are good. Anyway, shortly after he passed away my family and I visited the Michaels, Glen and Eva Michael, my maternal grandma and grandpa (I’ve chucked the formal language of “grandmother and grandfather” because it just feels weird to refer to two of my closest friends this way). We were sitting at the table joyfully eating as we often did. I was sitting at the designated kids table which was a card table. My cousin Katie Michael (now Katie Arvizo) was sitting across from me. I’m guessing her younger brother, my cousin, Scott was sitting to the right and my brother Bruce was sitting to the left. I don’t remember. But I asked Katie, “Did you hear about my grandpa passing away?” Her response: “Yeah. I hope Grandpa Michael never dies.”

If you had the privilege of knowing Glen Michael, you know the power behind that statement. And if you are one of his grandkids you know the power of that expectation. Look! I’m 42 years old and I still have that expectation.

I’m thankful I had time to prepare for this, though I’m not sure I did the most appropriate things. I beg your pardon for feeling guilty. If you’ve ever lost a loved one, perhaps you know what I mean. If not, consider yourself blessed. 

Still, even though I got 4 more weeks or so to adjust, it’s still hard. A friend of mine told me I should write him a letter with my three happiest memories. I couldn’t think of just three. They’re all connected. Asking me to pick out three is like taking them totally out of context. 

Case in point, I tried eating Grandpa’s favorite candy, Peanut M & M’s. Well, let me tell you the basket case I became. My son and I had the quietest shower ever and after he stepped out of the bathroom I let loose, except for the bawling part. Then a few days later, I was listening to a Christian radio station in Korean and they played the song, “Give Me Jesus” by Fernando Ortega. I didn’t expect a contemporary song to rile me up. As far as I know, Grandpa wasn’t a fan of contemporary music and neither am I. But this was a special version with Billy Graham talking in the background about his wife, Ruth, after she passed away and the celebration he believed took place in heaven. Here we go again. Not quite as dramatic as the M & M’s but that’s probably because I’m not comfortable crying in front of my family. 

And I suppose that sums it up. From M & M’s to Christian worship, Grandpa was quite a guy. I don’t remember awkward moments of silent with Grandpa. I remember going from lighthearted to serious conversations but they weren’t staged. Grandpa didn’t say, “Okay let’s talk spiritual.” Those conversations just came. I saw Grandpa have different emotions. I saw him laugh so hard he cried. I saw him cry over the loss of a dog named Beiner that got hit by a bus. And I saw him grieve the loss of the love of his wife to the point that he asked me to pray in front of the family because as he said, “…he just couldn’t.” 

Just so you know, I can hardly see the computer screen right now. I hope you’re doing okay. 

Oh sure. Grandpa got mad at me. When I was a pretty small kid, though not a toddler, I was trying to have a sword fight with tumbleweeds. I’m about as coordinated as…I don’t know. Let me tell you how uncoordinated I am. I tried to have a tumbleweed fight with my cousin Scott Michael and I ended up getting too close and scratching his face. Well, if you were the grandfather of such an even-tempered guy and he were your youngest grandson, you’d do the same thing. Yes, Grandpa got mad at me and even attempted to withhold Kool-Aid from me. But don’t worry. Grandma Michael was there to save the day. 

As Grandpa aged and lost more and more of his mental state, I got the brunt of it. When I drove too fast (I think I was going the speed limit) he told me to slow down. Once I called and we were both confused as I was in South Korea and he was in America and neither of us expected to hear the other person and he thought I was a prankster. The last time I talked to Grandpa on the phone (I got to see him one last time after that) he thought I was calling to get “my part” of the inheritance. I just told him, “I don’t want your money. You’re my friend.” And when I visited him last after he seemed to think I fly airplanes (I guess he subconsciously thought I fly a lot. He didn’t think he knew many people who had seen the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic in the same day) and he asked me to write down my name and address on paper, I wondered if he knew me. But the way he looked at me suggested otherwise. Please don’t burst my bubble if I was wrong.

Grandpa never told me, “I love you.” I told him plenty of times and he would say, “Yep.” And that was okay. He communicated love to me in a way I needed. He didn’t talk love to me. He just did it. Now I know some here are going to say that it was Grandma’s doing that made him come to Greeley so often and it was her doing that they called so much. And that’s fine. After all, when my wife Sinae Park-Dirks asked him what his secret was to a long life his answer was, “I had a good wife.” 

So you really want to know about my three most unforgettable memories with Grandpa, eh? Well, here we go. 

As you probably know, Grandpa had a hearing problem, allegedly due to his years in the tractor with no headphones. That was all it took for the whole family to get a good laugh. I remember driving to the Garretson reunion in Windsor (I don’t remember exactly where it was) and we’d be talking, having a good time as always. Somebody like Grandma would be saying something and Grandpa couldn’t hear so he’d ask her to repeat herself so many times that she’d just yell it out or he’d say a word that sounded like it and then Grandma would yell out what she was saying like she was getting mad and I tell you the truth, I think she and Jeff were the only ones who got away with that. I’d say a lot of our laughter happened from those times. There would be those moments when Grandma would get strong with him. It didn’t ruin his day. He’d just respond with, “Gracious!” And then Grandma would start laughing and explain why she raised her voice. If you knew her, you’d understand that she was sweeter than the day was long.

Speaking of Grandma and Grandpa, they really were my lifeline. Probably the hardest time in my life besides my ruptured appendicitis was when I went to college. I had attended Eastern Nazarene College on the east coast and was having a hard time making friends. I almost transferred to a Northwest Nazarene University in Idaho. Well, eventually I did but the switch was more calculated. Prior to the real deal, I almost transferred over a weekend. It was so ridiculous that my boss didn’t know if I’d be showing up to work the next day. I called Grandma and Grandpa about it and they just talked me through it but they acted as if they didn’t have a clue what to do. So I hung up the phone, thought about it and decided to stick it out. I called them back. Then I remember Grandma saying, “We were hoping you’d decide that way.” When I asked why they didn’t say so earlier they responded, “It’s your life. You have to decide.” That was huge to me that they trusted me to make the right decision.

While we’re talking about college, after I transferred I was confused as ever about what I believed. I think that was a conversation that neither of them could really relate to, the question of whether or not God existed. But Grandpa had an answer. He gave the greatest argument for God’s existence, “that than which nothing greater can be conceived.” No, not in those words but pretty-much the same concept. He couldn’t imagine this world being created without God’s doing it.

Well, go a little further on to seminary when I was still confused not about God but about Christianity. I came across "post liberal retrieval” through a conversation with the president of the seminary I attended, Nazarene Theological Seminary and I thought of the Michael family headed up by Grandma and Grandpa Michael. Grandpa was strict about not drinking alcohol and I thought about his life and how full of laughter it was and how alcohol had no part in it. And I thought to myself, “Who am I to discredit the faith of people like Grandpa who lived out his faith in God through Christ by the Holy Spirit day in and day out?” 

I said three but it’s hard to stop. Grandpa loved stories. He told them well and laughed and he liked listening to funny stories, especially from preachers. Well, Grandpa had his own funny stories, like when he got pulled over in Colorado Springs because the police mistook him for someone else. He also had his own life experiences to draw from. His advice about relationship quarrels was very succinct: “Leave her alone.”

I really could go on and on. Grandpa loved people. He could be in a crowd of people and even if he wasn’t the center of attention he enjoyed listening. Even in the later years when his hearing got worse and worse and he couldn’t hear people talk in a crowded restaurant because his hearing aid picked up all the background noise, he still met people. 

Sure. Grandpa had his own prejudices. But you know what, he didn’t hide them. And that may have set some of us young folk off from time to time but let’s be honest. He saw major social transformation from 1926 to 2020. And he’d speak to people, whether he was prejudice or not. 

Grandpa had a weakness. He couldn’t express his love to his family, the ones he loved most. I told you he showed me love just the way I needed it. But sometimes the people who mattered the most needed to hear it from his mouth. 

My mom, Marilyn Dirks, had to have an urgent surgery that was a matter of life and death. She called Grandpa before they took her in. He headed into Greeley to check in on her. She told him she loved him, a habit she picked up after Grandma passed away. He told me as we spent lots of time together, “Brent, don’t you think I could say those three simple words?” Of course he was talking about, “I love you.” Mom, Grandpa loved you.

There was a farmer in Holyoke that he really admired. He would tell people he was a good farmer. I heard it time again. I’d relay the message but I guess it’s just not the same as hearing it from the horse’s mouth. Uncle LeRoy, Grandpa was proud of you and he recognized you as a good farmer. And I dare say, a good son.

Uncle Jeff, you came later on. You know Grandpa harped on you a lot. I personally think it was his way of showing his affection for you. And Sinae saw it the moment she met everybody, that you are the apple of Grandpa’s eye.

I don’t want to quit. Grandpa had an amazing story. He said that when he went into the army his prayer was that he’d return safely. I don’t know the details but from what I understand he was assigned to go to the front lines where he’d most likely be shot down by the enemy and at that moment the war was declared ended. But that experience gave Grandpa a richness and an appreciation for other countries and cultures and languages that I don’t think he would’ve had before.

My wife Sinae, remembers an encounter something like this.

Grandpa: Howdy. Nice to meet you.

Sinae: Nice to meet you too.

Grandpa: Can you speak Korean?

Sinae: Yes.

Grandpa: Can you count to ten?

Sinae: Il, ee, sam, sa, oh, yuk, chil, pal, gu, ship.

Grandpa: How do you say thank you?

Sinae: Kamsahamnida.

Grandpa: Can you speak German?

Sinae: No.

Grandpa: Ine, swy, thry, fere, fiem, oct, noin, sain.

He wanted to connect with Sinae with his knowledge of different languages. It lost its impact when Sinae couldn’t speak German. Grandpa went on to teach her how to say thank you and you’re welcome in formal German and he even recited a Chinese sentence he learned in his younger days from a missionary to China.

There is a lesson from Grandpa’s life. I was thinking recently (I think a lot about every jot and tittle about Grandpa these days) and there was something about his aroma. The way he smelled. The way he talked. The way he walked. There was a day when he walked faster than me when I had to have two abdominal surgeries. I never thought I’d see that day. But you know what, I miss that walk.

My heart is really broken. I’ve lost one of my lifelines. When life got hard I always knew Grandpa was cheering for me. That last phone call, he forgot some things but he asked me, “Are you preaching?” And he didn’t mean in it a condescending way. That was my dream and something he and my dad always encouraged me to do. 

There’s a whole lot I don’t know. But one thing I do know is that he had a hotline to God. I don’t mean that in a way that made him unique to everyone else. He wanted everyone to have that same hotline. He was honest about questions he had which made us able to talk when I was in a spiritual wilderness. And I hope that as we go forward that we won’t forget him (At this point I can’t imagine that happening) and I guess I want to say especially to my cousins but to us all: let’s press forward and live the life he emulated in a savior who testified that “for me to live is Christ and to die is gain” and now I’m talking to myself: “Let’s not be hindered by the sin that so easily entangles but therefore since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses including Glen William Michael, let us run the race marked out for us with perseverance, fixing our eyes not on Grandpa but on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.” For “to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

See ya on the other side, Grandpa. Pray for me that I can emulate 2 Timothy 2:15, your favorite verse, Grandpa. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."