Sunday, July 25, 2010

Surgical Unit: Day 3

I'm sitting with Mom in her room on this Sunday morning. We are trying to find a good church service on TV but that's a little difficult. I may try to find something online.

Mom is continuing to make progress. She has been taken off of Heparin (blood thinner by IV) and is on Coumadin (the pill form of one type of blood thinner). She is eating regular meals provided by the hospital. She's still not able to walk on her own but she did use a walker yesterday with the assistance of nurses and I got to help another nurse get Mom out of bed yesterday. The most challenging part was dealing with all the lines for her medicine and wound vac.

I wasn't sure whether I should go to church this morning or not. Since I don't live here I feel like I can do Mom more good by being with her than by going to a church by myself or with a family where I don't know the people. Part of this is because I remember how hard it was to be alone during the time my family was at church when I was in the hospital with a ruptured appendicitis.

So far I have three followers leaving comments. I hope to add to that but am grateful for those of you following this blog.

God's Shalom!


Leland Dirks said...

More good news... that's great! My thoughts on going to church in your situation.... much of going to church is about community.... and family is community, too... you might check to see if there is a church chaplain, and/or if your mom's minister is coming to visit... but I have no doubt that with or without church, Christ is with you and your mom....

Brent Dirks said...

There are chaplains but Mom didn't care to meet with a chaplain. I've thought about looking for an Anglican or at least a Wesleyan chaplain but I wasn't sure about that with me being family and not a patient.

I stated this question because it is a lingering question in my mind that I probably need to work through.