Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The last day on the surgical unit and then on to the rehab unit

Today was a much better day for Mom, which I think she deserves after a worrisome night wondering why she was bleeding so much. After pooping out some blood clots her bleeding stopped and the doctors think they just had her blood too thin.

Why might they be moving her, you ask? She went for a walk in the hall for the first time today and a CNA and I went with her on her second walk. She walked on her own with the walker while the CNA pushed her IV pole which is only holding the wound vac.

There is some question about which rehab unit Mom will go to. Whichever unit she is transferred to, we hope they will work with her several hours each day and that that will be her last stop before she goes home. But nonetheless, we are hopeful that the hospital staff is wise in their decisions and that Mom's progress will be slowly but surely.

I thought I would get Mom's pantry all organized this afternoon but for some reason I was lacking in energy this afternoon. I tried eating some "mini chimis" (Miniature chimichangas) which were apparently lacking in protein to my surprise. After taking a long nap (about an hour or so) I emptied out her pantry and am hoping to put everything away before I go to bed tonight. There are more things to do but I am getting things done one day at a time. Getting work done around the house (mobile home if you are talking to Dad) also gives me confidence and a nice break from sitting around most of the day.

Thanks for your comments, thoughts and prayers.


Alison Weinstock said...

You're such a good son, Brent. Still praying for all of you!

Brent Dirks said...

Now what makes you think that? I think that if I had a life in America (i.e. job, significant other, friends etc.) then my loyalties might make things more difficult to do this. As it is, I'm able to help Mom which hopefully helps her focus on getting better. Besides, I bet you'd do the same thing for your mom, wouldn't you?:)