Monday, February 24, 2025

The Grass is Greener on the Other Side: A Review of "Freckle Juice" by Judy Blume

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 I picked up "Freckle Juice" by Judy Blume up at Bora Public Library recently. It's funny. As I read this short book (less than 100 pages) I found myself envisioning my second or third grade when I attended Shawsheen Elementary School in Greeley, Colorado, and then when I was googling the Freckle Juice movie, I saw that this is about the second grade. So I thought that was something. 

So what's the story about? Spoiler alert! It's about a boy named Andrew who wants to have freckles (What is it about wanting to have what we can't and not wanting what we have?). He envies a boy in his class who has freckles, apparently because then nobody would know whether or not he has washed his face and neck. So a girl in his class gives him a "magic potion" that will give him freckles. But all it does is make him sick. His mom thought that his appendix had ruptured. He stayed home the next day and the day after that, he gave himself freckles with a magic marker. 

Then his teacher, Miss Kelly, came to the rescue and gave him a "magic" freckle-remover kit. He went into the bathroom and removed his so-called "freckles."

The moral of the story: Accept yourself for who you are. If you don't have freckles, be glad you don't. If you have freckles, be glad you do because that's who you are.

If you're looking to check off reading a book, this is an easy one. I would guess an adult could read this whole book in an hour or less in one sitting, though I read it over several days. And now I can check it off the list and am now one book closer to catching up to my son.

By the way, if you're looking for a good library with quality children's books in English, I highly recommend Bora Public Library. By the way, I'm not getting any kickbacks in telling you that.

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