Saturday, January 18, 2014

FREE Method for Viewing Hangeul Word Perfect (hwp) Documents on a Mac

I don't typically write this sort of thing on my blog because I figure there are enough technology experts out there that what I have to say won't mean much. But one of the most frustrating things I have experienced living in Korea is not being able to open .hwp files on my Mac. It seems that nearly every time I use my wife's Samsung I am always complaining about how slow or confusing her computer is. So, while I was eating lunch that my wife prepared so well (as usual), and granted her some alone time, I was looking for ways to print things from .hwp files off of my Mac which I thoroughly love in spite of the fact that it is about three or four years old. Sorry for the drama. I'm just not stating things simply and to the point. Just click on the link below. When you get to the website, just click on "View Document" under "Viewer". Then click on the "browse" button and find your file. Double click on the .hwp file and voila, there is the information. Just copy the text and paste it into your favorite word processing program (I use Pages as a way of protesting Microsoft, though I have to admit there are a few features that I hope Pages adapts in its future versions) and there you are. Yet another way to use a Mac and still live in Korea at the same time. FYI, I only did this with one to two-page files my students sent me. Feel free to comment on how it works out on larger files. I hope this makes somebody's day like somebody made mine.

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