Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More blessings during Lent

This blog is probably full of lots of complaints of how life isn't going my way. But things have changed since my wife and I had lunch with a family from church. They introduced us to yet another family. When we came home, we were both surprisingly satisfied afterwards. This was a miracle because we have many experiences where I got frustrated because I couldn't understand the conversation and eventually my face turned into a sourpuss look. Our bliss continued yesterday as the week started on Monday (yesterday). It was what I would normally have considered a typical day. But I guess it was the change in pace from a long vacation where I wasn't motivated to prepare for classes for the coming semester. Then I arrived several hours early to teach a class at another location. I went for a long walk nearly all the way home while I waited for the time to pass. Even though I misunderstood the time of the class, I still had a good day meeting students and introducing class to them. Today I had another good day with the highlight being preaching in an English service at the university I teach at. This may be the largest crowd I've ever preached to in all the places where I have preached in Korea OR the US. I'm not sure how much students were able to understand but I heard positive feedback from one student who took my class over winter vacation. Last semester was a difficult transition for my wife and I and we are enjoying this moment of bliss. It's a busier semester, one filled with much more variety. I will post the sermon I preached and you can read it for yourself.

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