Sunday, November 24, 2013
"Korea Unmasked"
My most recent success in my recently developed "reading while I walk" routine is reading the comic book, "Korea Unmasked" by Won-bok Rhie, originally written in Korean and later translated by Jung Un and Louis Choi.
I remember a former colleague telling me about this. At that time I was much less interested in reading. I didn't see how reading could make a difference in the way I think about Korea. One day, my wife was at Kyobo Bookstore, the Barnes & Noble of Korea, and she stumbled across this book in English and apparently my name was written all over it so she bought it for me. At that time, I wasn't quite convinced of my need to read more so I put it on a shelf. Also, I've never been interested in comic books to that degree which didn't help me in reading it as soon as I could have.
After I finished the book about Boston which I posted about on this site I was desperately trying to find something I could read while walking to and from my office. So I grabbed "Korea Unmasked" and it turned out to be much more fascinating than I originally thought. The author of this book did a fine job of being frank about the strengths and weaknesses of Korea.
One of the things I found helpful was the way in which the author compared Korea with China and Japan. I've always tended to think that the countries were basically the same but now I know the error of that way of thinking. Who would've thought that one country could be so monotheistic (Korea) while another could be so polytheistic while also being individualistic?
Perhaps the parts I found the most intriguing were about church, education and the reunification of North and South Korea. There were times when I wanted to shout an Amen and there were other times when I must have been laughing hard enough on my way to work or home that students who saw me may have thought I was paranoid.
It's really difficult to criticize a book like this. Naturally, being translated into English by non-native English speakers, the expressions were sometimes slightly unnatural and there were a few typos along the way. But I didn't find those shortcomings to be hindering in terms of my own understanding. I also think the book sometimes errs on the side of exaggerating but I think that is necessary to make the point to people from other countries.
Now of course there are some aspects that make their way into conversations with Sinae, which she sometimes wishes I didn't remember and sometimes reminds me that is a generalization. But I think that just makes my point stronger that this book is worthwhile not only for people living in Korea but for people who want to know about Koreans who seem to be scattered throughout the world.
Koreans: The "Silent Immigrants" of Germany
Here is a link to a very interesting article on Koreans who either permanently immigrated to Germany or lived there short-term. There reason for going there would seem to vary from making more money than they could make in Korea at the time to making a significant difference in the Korean economy.
The writer of the article above points out that Koreans became known as "silent immigrants" because they adapted so well to living in Germany. The Koreans' strongpoints were putting their all into education and studying as well as working hard. This would seem to be the trademark of Koreans around the world.
I also found it interesting that Koreans who were involved in mining were hesitant to talk in-depth about it with Germans, presumably because of the stigma of mining in Korea.
I'm glad Korea is paying tribute to what those Koreans did to contribute to the development of Germany while also making a big difference in their own country's economy. Korea Times is covering this story for several days. I think Goethe Institute is also worth mentioning for making a big deal out of this.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Reading Report: "The Happiness Project"
I just finished reading "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. I purchased this book a year-and-a-half when I visited the US for three weeks while Sinae stayed in Korea to focus on writing her master's thesis. She told me to freely buy books that I can bring back to Korea. I took her advice and as a result I wound up having to cram more books in my carry-on bag in order to avoid paying the surcharge for having an overweight bag.
This book was certainly not the most earth-shattering read of all the books I've read, but it was indeed well worth the time I invested. The writer claims to be agnostic but displays herself as being very open to spiritual viewpoints and even speaks directly to churches interested in using her book as a sort of advertisement at the end of the book.
As I read this book, and especially as I have finished this book, I think that this could easily be classified in spiritual formation circles as a rule of life because that seems to be exactly what the writer formulates. The basic premise of this book is that the writer dedicated a year to living a happy, more meaningful life and she did so by changing her outlook on life. Some things were very simple, like getting rid of clothing she hadn't worn in quite a while. But other things are more challenging like trying to respond to children without getting angry with them or simply managing one's mood more efficiently.
To tell you the truth, the thing this book has enlightened me on the most is the necessity to be happy and that one isn't simply born happy without any struggle. I think it is safe to say that I have spent most of my life being unhappy. Before reading this book, the need to be happy never really dawned on me. I think I've lived my life as if I couldn't be happy because of the circumstances (Having to work for a live from the time I was in elementary school, having to support myself in college and seminary, not being supported by my dad when I went to college for the first time, not feeling "smart enough" to finish the assigned reading in my classes in college etc.). But now, looking back, I realize that I wasn't really trying all that hard.
I tend to think that one of the influences that somehow unintentionally swayed me from seeking happiness was my class on the book of Philippians in bible school. The teacher emphasized that happiness is based on what happens and that joy is this Providential emotion Christians can experience. That somehow made me think seeking happiness was bad. So I didn't even seek after it.
I still think I would complement what Rubin says about happiness with a more fundamental spiritual aspect (I would be Agnostic if I could but I became convinced that it is incongruous with reality given that we have to make choices every moment regarding things we can see, let alone things we can't see) but that doesn't take away from the strengths of her "argument" if we can call it that.
I definitely resonate with what Rubin has written. The first semester I taught at the university where I'm currently employed, I often went into class feeling depressed because students didn't respond to what I said. As a result, I received low evaluations. As an attempt to improve those evaluations, I started every class with a big smile as much as possible. I tell you the truth, I don't think I've ever tried so hard to be more happy. And it apparently worked. Rubin calls this principle, "Act the way you want to feel".
Without regurgitating the entire book, other relevant points include being oneself (not expecting "fun" things other people enjoy to necessarily have the same effect on me and also to not let that bother me), taking time to write down things one is thankful for, developing some sort of accountability group (My words not hers) and trying things that one might not normally engage in.
There are many more things which I may try to develop more of but as I try to tell my friends when recommending good advice I read in a book which doesn't seem to have the same effect when I try to explain it to them in my less than eloquent manner, read the book and see what you think yourself.
Book Report: Boston Dictionary
The most recent book that I've read while walking to and from work is "The Boston Dictionary" written by John Powers and illustrated by Peter Wallace. This book was HUGE comic relief for me. It was especially therapeutic when I was having difficulty connecting with my students in class. I tried to show them "Bostonish" but they often missed the point. Even Canadian and American colleagues had a difficulty getting some of the jokes like, "How do you know when someone is a foreigner? They try to speak to people in English". I think the joke got lost in translation or else I'm just not good at telling jokes. Or as my wife, Sinae suggests, perhaps I tend to laugh at jokes more easily than most people.
At the same time, this book was not only entertaining but it was also educational. Even though I only lived in the Boston area for 9 months, as I read this book which modifies spelling in order to underscore authentic Bostonian pronunciation, I recalled people I met in Boston who spoke EXACTLY as the writer(s) wrote this book. It is also educational in terms of the key places in Boston or what people do and why they do it.
One of the greatest errors we folk from outside of Boston make is saying, "Pahk yi cah in Harvahd Yahd" is that it's impossible or at least illegal to park one's car in Harvard Yard.
I won't spoil everything by telling you everything in this book. Sinae and I bought it at a souvenir shop in Boston but I'm hopeful that it can also be purchased online. There are other books that have also been written which I hope to read. This book is a little thicker than a magazine but nearly just as convenient to handle while walking down the street. But I must warn you: you may be perceived as being crazy because this book is so funny that you may find yourself laughing at loud.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
A book I recommend
My dad's younger brother (not to be confused with his youngest brother) lived in Denver for a number of years. I suppose people thought he would retire there. He certainly had developed quite a circle of friends and lived in a nice house in a nice part of the city (Well, I liked it when I visited). Then one day, he started to make plans to build a house in the middle of nowhere. To be honest, I think a lot of people thought he had lost his mind (I confess that I was one of them). People simply couldn't understand why a person would leave comfort for discomfort.
Apparently, he wasn't the first person to do such a thing. But unlike others who have tried the same and failed, he has been very successful. Not only has he built his own home (I only hope that his parents can see what he is doing now) and built a new circle of friends, but he has also become a professional writer. That makes me proud which is why I introduced his book to my students before E-Cafe (It's not so much a cafe as it is a big room with a mixed-coffee dispenser and a place for students to sit and practice their English with a "native speaker") one day.
I hope you'll consider buying this book to see just a little bit more why someone would want to leave the city (I'll confess, that as much as I like cities I have a hard time comprehending why people want to live in the country but perhaps my day will come too) to be in a place where they can have as much solitude as they want. You can buy the book in an electronic or in a hard-copy version at
Reading Report #5
I came across, "The Shack" when I visited America alone because Sinae had to stay in Korea that summer to focus on her thesis. Her advisor told her, "If you want to graduate, then you better stay in Korea". She wanted to graduate so she stayed in Korea. I went to target and I bought several books, this being one of them and another being "The Help". I'm currently reading another book I bought that day. By the way, when I returned to Korea, I had to reorganize my books in my carry-on luggage in order to not have to pay the surcharge of $150 or whatever in order to compensate for an overweight bag.
I don't have a lot to say about this book because I think it speaks for itself. I started this book at the airport in Denver the night before Sinae and I returned to Korea this last summer (I'll hopefully be posting some pictures about that soon). I enjoyed reading this book for the simple reason that it is a conversation with God. I suppose one could argue that some of the language is oversimplified. I presumed this book was not written for philosophers and theologians in the academic sense but for "lay theologians" or those struggling in their faith. I was one of those.
I appreciated the relational aspect of the book throughout and the writer's attempt to deal with tough questions like, "Where is God when there is suffering" and the relationship between God and time. Even though I think the write took a more traditional approach, I think he pushed that envelope enough to make readers think without pushing them over the edge.
This is a good book especially for those who have had a tragedy that they couldn't understand or for those who earnestly pray (or want to pray) but can't seem to hear God's voice.
Reading Report #4
I was looking at books in Kyobo, the equivalent of Barnes and Noble in Korea, and I stumbled across this book. I had been looking for a book on the history of Korean churches for some time. It became clear in conversations with Sinae that my assumptions about Korean churches were not accurate. Of course, at that time my experience of churches in Korea were limited to the Church of the Nazarene which is supposedly the smallest denomination of the Wesleyan-holiness tradition in Korea.
Of course I didn't buy the book right away. I wouldn't want to be hasty about buying a book now, would I? But I did toil to find the book at, the equivalent of, and I told Sinae I'd like to receive this book as a gift for my birthday. I'm embarrassed to say it took me what seemed like a year and maybe longer to finish this book. In fact I didn't finish it until Sinae and I took a trip to America last summer so it may have taken me longer than a year. This book is also as thick as the bible. I think I'm attracted to thick books, as you will see from future reading reports.
I was a little disappointed to find that this book doesn't deal with contemporary issues because it was translated from a Korean work that was apparently published sometime in the 1970s. However, that being said, I still found the book to be helpful in understanding Korea's history. The downside of this book is that the translation is not always accurate so I found myself proofreading in my head in order to understand what the author intended to say.
Some things to note:
1. The Catholic Church was the first tradition to come to Korea. This reality makes it all the more puzzling that there is such a strong line between Catholics and Protestants. In Korea, Catholics don't even call their place of worship a "church" but a "cathedral".
2. Presbyterians and Methodists were the next group to come. I want to say Presbyterians came first but I don't want to get too bold here. This explains why Presbyterians and Methodists (stating this order based on my historical understanding not on my denominational preference)are the largest bodies and why my own tradition, the Church of the Nazarene, is so small.
3. A desire to not be distinct. This subject has been the source of many heated conversations between Sinae and I. It seems that Koreans don't seek to have the same distinctive doctrines that American churches have which could be a good thing I suppose. In my experience, only ministers know the differences between denominations. Even Wesleyan-holiness pastors don't necessarily preach a strong message on entire sanctification because they don't want to overwhelm the person listening (I don't intend to stereotype. My understanding of Korean is minimal and I can only make this claim based on a conversation with one pastor). There seems to be a long history of American missionaries wanting to underscore the distinctiveness and Koreans wanting to work together. However, there were still problems even in single denominations over a liberal/conservative divide. Of course that divide was premature to the homosexual debate so the definition of "liberal" would be along different lines anyway.
Reading Report #3
I heard a lot about Carl Gustav Jung from Sinae while she was doing her graduate studies in Art Psycho-therapy. Just to show you how desperately I needed to start reading books in my own language, I sometimes got into arguments with Sinae about whether Jung was right. Granted, the conversations were about difficult content in my second language (Unless you count Hebrew, Greek and Spanish, in which case Korean would be my sixth language but I think I know more about Korean than I do any other language besides English of course), but I still think I am guilty as charged.
Ironically, as Sinae and I were at Harvard Square in Boston, we stumbled upon a used bookstore. I believe it was called, Raven's Used Bookstore. There were several good books there. I will tell you all about them later. But for now, one of those books was this book apparently translated. I found myself enjoying Jung (By the way, I take it that the 'u' is a long 'u'. Korean is very useful at this point) much more than I thought.
Again, I don't don't want to regurgitate Jung but there are some points worth commenting on.
1. I like Jung's style of keeping psychology and faith in tension. I had a conversation with someone on YouTube in the comment bar who was getting other Christians excited by saying they were believing in a myth. This person claimed that science disproves God's existence but Jung offers a scientific yet counter-argument to that.
2. One of the more difficult aspects to follow was Jung's discussion of dreams. This is so long that I think I stretched it out over such a long time that I couldn't follow the main point.
3. One part that seemed the most relevant to me and what I do was where Jung compared easterners with westerners. Now before you read further, keep in mind that Sinae and I had a disagreement about this part. Jung said that easterners are more introverted than westerners are. Now this might be a generalization but I think it is true. From what I see, people are more reserved in Korea than they are in America. But of course there are some people in Korea who are more talkative than people in America and vice versa. You get the sense that I need to do more reading here?
4. An interesting read for me was Jung's work on Job. One thing I find comical about this part was that Jung seemed to spend more time talking about the entire bible than he did about the book of Job itself. Although Jung comes across as a skeptic in the beginning, I think his perspective is needed given the way that he seeks to interpret the book of Job and then he comes full circle to a rational faith position.
Reading Report #2
I bought "His Needs, Her Needs" in my hometown in 2011. I think it was after my wife and I had our wedding ceremony (not a full-fledged wedding, which would be done in South Korea) and we decided to go shopping. That was the beginning of a toiling confrontation with my animosity towards shopping. I had developed the habit of walking in and out of stores in as little time as possible. I still think I could do all my grocery shopping in fifteen minutes (That's in Korea. I bet I could shave five minutes off in America), although I haven't done that since I got married. Anyway, my wife, Sinae, wanted to look around a little bit and I could tell I was starting to boil just because I didn't want to shop for nick-nacks.
As we were shopping, we passed by the books at a local Target and I saw this book. I had apparently heard a lot about it even though I didn't get married until I was in my mid-thirties so I figured our struggle with shopping had something to do with the fact that our needs were different.
I'm not going to go into great detail because I don't want to spoil the book. I think this is fundamental for any married couple. Some of the stuff seemed to be culturally-specific so Sinae and I couldn't apply everything (like where the writer talks about even talking about relationships from the past, which I've been told is a no-no in Korea) there were some key points.
1. The differences between women and men and the way the writer focuses on women for one chapter and then men the next and does the same throughout the book was a good way for me to really comprehend the material. There were definitely things that seemed to apply to my situation.
2. The financial discussion was impeccable. I wish I had read this chapter before I got married. The part about if a woman works it is for living more luxuriously and not for the bare minimum was eye-opening to me. By the way, I don't think that the writer is being unreasonable when he states that a family can live off of one income.
3. The chapter on designating house chores is brilliant. Sinae says that's "American style" and that you can't designate chores but the way I see it, we have done that more or less. I cook very simple things (Trying to find a way to overcome this but for now I'm just trying to come to terms with the fact that my wife is more skilled in that area than I am) and my wife tends to do most of the cooking. I typically do the dishes, although Sinae is often gracious and does the dishes. Sinae does the surface cleaning and if I get enthused I do the deep cleaning. Because the washing machine where we live is in the basement, which is the equivalent of a dungeon to Sinae, I was automatically elected to that duty.
4. I was also reading this book when I heard of married folk cheating on their spouses and I really appreciated the authors emphasis on the hope of restoring the relationship. In a world (not just one society) that seems to make it easier and easier to get a divorce the first time something bad happens, I really appreciated not only the author's encouragement but practical steps for restoring the relationship.
Reading Report #1
Since I returned from the US I have become more aware of the urgent need of me reading more. I've lived in Korea for the last five years and I think I've focused on learning Korean (at least in thought) more than I thought about the need to feed my soul (metaphorically speaking, not to be confused with the Platonic soul). I have to be honest and thank my wife for pointing out my naivete on several points. I've also noticed that reading on the way to and from work is beneficial. I've practically read entire magazines and lectures just on my way to work and back which is about 20 minutes round trip if I'm walking quickly. I've noticed it takes me about five minutes longer one way unless I'm really pressed for time when I read while I'm walking to my office. This has proven to be seriously therapeutic.
I've read two issues of "Grace and Peace" a magazine for licensed and ordained ministers in the Church of the Nazarene, and I've also read two lectures by Ron Benefiel, the current department chair of the School of Theology and Christian Ministries at Point Loma Nazarene University.
So from now on, I'm hoping to report on what I've read. For starters, and forgive me if I've posted this book before, I'm posting, "The Feeling Good Handbook," a book that has been extremely beneficial to me in my struggle to overcome shame, something I've only become aware of in the last three years or so. I always knew I struggled with self-esteem issues but narrowing that down to a struggle with shame and some practical tools on how to overcome that shame has made a huge difference in my personal life. Those tools have come directly from David D. Burns, first in his book "Feeling Good" and subsequently in his sequel, "The Feeling Good Handbook". The latter seems to have worked out some of the bugs of the former, though I still think "Feeling Good" is a better place to start. The latter is an extremely thick book, perhaps comparable in size to a modern translation of the bible in small print.
Although numerous methods are described, I find the daily log the most helpful probably because that is the place to start. I have struggled with finding time for this but when alarms go off inside of me that something is wrong and that it won't go away by wrestling with the thoughts in my head, I take a minute to turn on my computer and talk about the feeling, pinpoint the cognitive distortion and revise my negative thought to make it more reasonable. I am constantly amazed how that seemingly menial exercise is enough to change my whole day.
As a side note, although I read this book a long time ago and there may be many things I have forgotten, I found what Dr. Burns says about expressing one's feelings to one's spouse before they become threatening to be a good approach although I'm still learning how to do this in a way that is meaningful to my wife and not just a means of dumping my frustrations on my wife.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
2 Timothy 2:1-13 and the salvific imagery of Cleveland, Ohio
As you can see from the title of this post, I'm still thinking through everything that happened with all parties involved with the three ladies and the little girl who were literally saved. Here are some thoughts I shared with some students and a pastor here in Korea. The foundation text of this "bible study" is 2 Timothy 2:1-13.
Introduction: This is my second semester at Myongji University and my sixth year in Korea. Before I taught here I taught for 4 1/2 years at Korea Nazarene University (나사렛대학교). Before that I was living in St. Louis, Missouri in the US, west of Chicago, where my dream was to help the poor. I was volunteering at a church reaching out to the inner city where I was living in the city, hoping to change my neighborhood through relationships. Before that, I was living in Kansas City which is west of St. Louis. I lived in Kansas City for about four years. I want to say thank you for letting me be a part of your meeting tonight. I look forward to having conversation with you about things that matter.
I am married to a Korean which creates for a variety of experiences. Sometimes they are funny, sometimes interesting and know what I mean. One of the things that is on the border of fun/funny/interesting is when it comes to following the law. For example, driving through red lights. What ends up happening is we both focus on different aspects of the law. For example, when a camera is coming up and it says something like “80 kilometers per hour” then my wife is often the first to say, “팔십”.
When I was in high school, the principal (교장) made an announcement once a week. As the semester came near the end, I remember him telling us, “don’t drop the ball” (실수로 망치다). And I think of all of you and the pressures you’re facing. I wonder how many temptations you have coming your way.
The reality is that you are not alone. That is the reality of the world we live in. And there are things that have come out in the news recently that have reminded the world of the importance of following rules. Not strict things we have to do just because but guidelines that keep us healthy and holy.
The worst of these is the story of Ariel Castro. This is the story you’ve probably heard on the news coming from America. One man kidnapped three women and held them captive from 9-11 years. He prevented them from being able to carry a baby, except for one person, who had a baby he is the father of. The last news report I read on this story was that even with all the evidence in his house, even chains and ropes, that he was claiming he was innocent.
The second story is about 윤창정, the spokesman for President Park Geun-hye who “was accused of mistreating a young Korean-American intern at the South Korean Embassy in Washington D.C. who was serving as his guide” (New York Times). Initially, his defense was cultural differences with President Park and others apologizing on his behalf.
c. The third story, perhaps the most trivial of all, is about Chinese tourists remembering that they represent China when they go to other countries. Tania Branigan, a writer of “The Guardian” said Chinese tourists are accused of these things. “They speak loudly in public, carve characters on tourist attractions, cross the road when the traffic lights are still red, spit anywhere and [carry out] some other uncivilised behavior. It damages the image of the Chinese people and has a very bad impact.” Tania Branigan The Guardian (
All of these stories show us the importance of following principles. I think that is what the writer of 2 Timothy was instructing the person(s) receiving this letter to do. Especially young people tend to think we won’t get caught or that nothing bad will happen to us. But these stories remind us of the contrary.
Share in suffering. The writer alludes to soldiers, who have a mission to carry out. Even they aren’t allowed to be distracted by issues related to citizens who are not directly related to their mission.
An athlete: Only the one who finishes well gets an award.
Hard-working farmer: Hard work is required in order for the farmer to get a good crop.
To tell you the truth, one of the issues that my wife and I can’t easily talk about is the story of Ariel Castro. I would suspect that it is easy for us to look at a country we are not a citizen of as being “crazy”. But for me, there is a story of salvation here, which the writer of our passage speaks of very clearly. So I’d like to close tonight by sharing with you my interpretation of that event as it relates to salvation.
First, we have the three women who were enslaved to their captor, Ariel Castro. The biggest question everybody is asking is, “Why did the three women wait so long?” There are reports that Ariel liked to play a “game” with them where he pretended like he was leaving and then if they tried to escape and he caught them he would beat them.
Eventually, Amanda Berry escaped from the house, with the help of Charles Ramsey. He was eating some food from McDonalds on his porch (건물 입구에 지붕이 얹혀 있고 흔히 벽이 둘러진) 현관) when he heard someone screaming. Apparently, Amanda had gotten to the front door and needed help from somebody else. Charles Ramsey put it best when he said, “I knew something was wrong when a pretty white girl ran into a black man’s arms.”
Because of Charles Ramsey, the three women and Amanda’s little girl were set free. They experienced salvation that day in a very present-day reality. Perhaps Michelle Knight, one of the other victims said it best. She ran towards him and said, “You saved us. You saved us.” Another victim said, “Please don’t let me go.”
Here is the point where my wife get into trouble. The remaining figure in this story is Ariel Castro. His lawyer, Craig Weintraub, said the media has made him out to be worse than he really is. And the world is waiting to see what will happen with the suspect. In American culture, you are innocent until proven guilty. His lawyer seems to be arguing for the world to maintain a composure of innocency. One website suggests that Michelle Knight, one of the victims was beaten so badly that she will need facial reconstructive surgery.
10. So now Ariel Castro sits in his cell, apparently being monitored for suicide. We could easily condemn him and say that we don’t understand why he did what he did. Perhaps that is because we haven’t followed through with what we have the potential to do. But we can surely identify with Ariel Castro enough to say there have been times when we too wanted to break the rules. And Ariel Castro, and the others in our discussion who have broken the law, remind us, along with the writer of 2 Timothy that bad things happen when we break the rules. The Christian story is really one of paradox. Why do people break the rules? They want to get ahead. Sometimes it can feel like we aren’t getting ahead by doing the right thing. But scripture and experience remind us that if we keep doing those things that are right to the very end, we will have the victory. That’s the lesson of the resurrection of Jesus.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A Black Man Saves A White Woman: That's history in the making.
Charles Ramsey, the man who saved the lives of not one but three, possibly four women plus children made a comical statement in one of his interviews when he said, "I knew something was wrong when a pretty white girl ran into a black man's arms." This statement made me crack up because of the bittersweet reality of racial tensions in America. The bitter part is that there are still ideas that black people are inferior to white people. The sweet part is that it was a black man who saved those women. I hope this story makes into the history books and that there is a day when racial discrimination is so far behind us that we don't even get a joke like this. But for now, thank you Charles for teaching us that not only do we need to be heroes where we are but also that we need to be able to laugh about reality to keep ourselves from going insane.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
John 20:24-29: The Lord is Risen! Continuing the Resurrected Life.




Tuesday, March 5, 2013
More blessings during Lent
This blog is probably full of lots of complaints of how life isn't going my way. But things have changed since my wife and I had lunch with a family from church. They introduced us to yet another family. When we came home, we were both surprisingly satisfied afterwards. This was a miracle because we have many experiences where I got frustrated because I couldn't understand the conversation and eventually my face turned into a sourpuss look.
Our bliss continued yesterday as the week started on Monday (yesterday). It was what I would normally have considered a typical day. But I guess it was the change in pace from a long vacation where I wasn't motivated to prepare for classes for the coming semester. Then I arrived several hours early to teach a class at another location. I went for a long walk nearly all the way home while I waited for the time to pass. Even though I misunderstood the time of the class, I still had a good day meeting students and introducing class to them.
Today I had another good day with the highlight being preaching in an English service at the university I teach at. This may be the largest crowd I've ever preached to in all the places where I have preached in Korea OR the US. I'm not sure how much students were able to understand but I heard positive feedback from one student who took my class over winter vacation.
Last semester was a difficult transition for my wife and I and we are enjoying this moment of bliss. It's a busier semester, one filled with much more variety. I will post the sermon I preached and you can read it for yourself.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Good news during Lent
Does that sound like an oxymoron? There's a lot on here about how difficult my life is and how I don't see God doing much in my life. But today has been quite the contrary. Granted, I did lose my patience when I couldn't understand a real estate conversation in Korean, we made peace with that thanks to my wife and I had a wonderful day.
I was told that it might get my university to approve me working at another university in addition to what I am currently doing. But that turned out not to be the case at all. I was told the number of hours I could work and that has coincided very well with what the university (the second one) has available. Granted we both wanted me to do more, but given schedule conflicts and university policies, I am pleased with the results.
I guess time will tell whether or not this is of God but I think I'm going to take a moment right now to thank God for smiling down on me. But right now it doesn't feel like God is smiling DOWN at me as much as God is smiling at me, like we are in the same place at the same time.
I've still got an amazing amount of energy. I think I'm going to spend some time thanking God and see if that time surpasses the amount of time I spend complaining that good things don't happen.
By the way, I don't think good news during Lent is an oxymoron. To the contrary, I think God wants us to spend some time mopping the floors of our hearts, or perhaps God just wants us to submit to the Spirit's work, so that we can see God smiling at us in the same moment in time, rather than smiling at us from another location and another point in time. I've mopped the floors of my apartment, now I think I need the Holy Spirit cleaning service to do a spic-and-span job on me.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
"The Help" by Kathryn Stockett
I just finished reading, "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I was introduced to this book by watching the movie with the same title in a movie theater with my wife in South Korea. After the movie was over, we searched to see if there might be a real book that the movie is based off of. Sure enough, there was.
The book is definitely better than the movie. To tell you the truth, I have to wonder why so many of the details were changed. I guess it has something to do with the fact that the book is over 500 pages long, contents which would be difficult to compress into a normal-length movie.
Both the book and the movie speak to the evils of racism without doing so in an abstract, idealistic way. It just gives you the sense of, "That's right", leaving viewers oblivious to this reality in the dark. I wanted to express this to my wife but it dawned on me that this is a reality that you can't so easily comment on without experiencing it yourself.
To tell you the truth, the most tear-jerking moments for me have been in the moments where reconciliation took place. Even though I have watched the movie at least five times, I am inevitably full of tears at the moment when Skeeter's mom tells her she's proud of her daughter for bringing courage back into the family.
One of the coolest things about this book is that it includes the vernacular of black Americans. I confess that when I first tried to express this to my wife, I said that the grammar was wrong. But after hearing myself say that out loud, I corrected myself to say this is the vernacular of black Americans.
This story has given me hope and reminded me of my own experiences with racial reconciliation and the blessings that lie therein. I see myself the most in Skeeter and I wonder why she had to leave. I also left my scenario. I thought it would be on a very temporary basis but one choice led to another and now my life is in South Korea where I see a need for reconciliation of another kind between Koreans and foreigners. recommends this book with the following quote on the front: "This could be one of the most important pieces of fiction since To Kill a Mockingbird...If you read only one book....let this be it." I concur with this wholeheartedly. I hope many books of this kind follow with not just a hope of reconciliation being possible but a reality.
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