Saturday, June 6, 2015


I tried assigning students a portfolio this semester for the first time. Rather than having students submit a portfolio for me to sort through later, they had to show it to me during class. I've only done one day of this and the results were surprising. Three students in particular stand out: Suhyeon, Yuncheol and Hyunjoon. Suhyeon first struck me as a student who wasn't all that interested in class. While that made me uncomfortable I kept trying to have conversation with her as well as other students on a one-on-one basis. Little-by-little she seemed to open up. I was surprised to hear her tell me via her "My Section" in her portfolio that she enjoyed the class because I made it fun and that she was sad to see the class end. Yuncheol had a much more dramatic "My Section" in which he explained his background and why he isn't as good as other students at speaking English. He was a student I had serious misunderstandings about during the early part of the semester. That all changed when he told me about his personal life, including preparation for his wedding. At that point I realized I totally misunderstood him. But after hearing him talk during his portfolio time I realized how devastating it must be when I get upset with students. I've tried over and over not to get upset but I fail every semester. Hyunjoon's discussion was less dramatic but his point was similar. Apparently I got frustrated with him especially during quizzes when he wasn't able to produce the target language. I seriously think I overlooked this student because he isn't as dynamic as other students. He said during his portfolio time that he also felt frustrated with himself. I remembered that I was just like him when I was a student but my professors didn't get mad at me. I wasn't sure how the portfolio thing would work out but I really like it because it gives students a chance to express themselves in ways they couldn't during the semester. I really hope these three students will become instruments to remind me of the devastating effects anger from a foreigner can have on Korean students. I've been thinking a lot about God's voice lately. I didn't hear God's voice audibly but I most certainly heard God saying to me, "See what happens when you get angry with students?" I also heard God saying, "See what an opportunity you have?" I've been thinking a lot about conversation ever since I took a Continuing Education class on evangelism where the focus was on building relationships with people in such a way that I earn the right for people to listen to me. I've been struggling with the realization that I myself am not very good at building relationships which makes it very ironic that I am teaching conversation classes. I hear God saying, "Instead of wishing you could be somewhere else or do something else make the most of the opportunity to learn how to have conversations with students."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Relational Evangelism

I just finished a course on Evangelism through Northwest Nazarene University, my alma mater, taught by Robert Luhn. I didn't have very high expectations of this continuing education course but it had a very big impact on me. We talked about a lot of different issues ranging from motivations for evangelism, narrative, table fellowship, power evangelism, and being the message. I think the most surprising part of this course was power evangelism. This is where I interacted with ideas consistent with a dear friend living overseas who had already told me about the ways that God is moving. It seems that people are pulling away from their classical Protestant roots of thinking that God only speaks through scripture. Both forces have begun to open me up to this avenue. My friend whom I mentioned previously has been coaching me a little bit on how to pray in a way that I might be able to hear God's voice. I was focusing on hearing actual sentences and nothing happened but as I've thought more in terms of images, even I've had some curious experiences. Much of those experiences seem to center around one place on the campus where I teach. There are numerous benches (Ironically, I think I've seen students making out there), lots of trees and the place is mostly green. For me it has become a sanctuary. Last week, I went for a run, something I haven't done for a long time but was motivated to do because my back was hurting, possibly from holding Uri (my six-month-old boy) so much. I didn't really plan the route but it just worked out that I came across my "sanctuary". When I came to that place I had such a sense of God's presence. I just sat there as I felt the energy. Before I left, I sang a song I learned as a teenager that goes like this: Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy, trite and true. With thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary, for you. As I left that place, I felt as if God was saying, "Where are you going? I'll be right here." Unfortunately, last week I was busy with the class I took but now that I have finished that I hope to return to that place and be able to hear God's voice so that I can know God more and tell others about God. They need God's grace and so do I. Thank you, Dear Friend!

Monday, April 13, 2015

A Mission Not Yet Accomplished

I've been on an emotional roller coaster ever since I heard that one of my favorite professors, "Dr. Thomas Jay Oord", was laid off of the university that is my alma mater. There are other places you can go to read the facts, like the "Support Tom Oord" group on Facebook. Other sites have more details about what is happening. I'm still not much for formal writing. Instead, here is one person's experience of being a student of Thomas Jay Oord's. I proffer (Used intentionally as a word coined by said professor) this account as one of many. I don't exactly remember my first encounter with Thomas Jay Oord. I remember every class I've taken with him (Critical Thinking, Modern/Postmodern Philosophy, Senior Theology) at two different universities (actually one college and one university because Massachusetts requires professors to have dual doctorates in order for the institution to be considered a university). One of the first "golden nuggets" I remember from Thomas Jay Oord was something like this, a reference to John Wesley: "No matter what I conclude I must conclude that God is love." That was in a critical thinking class. The good stuff came from Modern/Postmodern Philosophy. This was my first philosophy class ever. And unlike the stereo-typical philosophy professor who just paints a bunch of unrealistic questions, the questions this professor challenged us with were extremely relevant to where I was at. After spending four years at a Calvinistic non-accredited bible school, I was thoroughly confused and I needed some answers. Among many professors, Thomas Jay Oord was one such influential professor. I'll never forget my response to another presenter where I started with "The Bible says it, that settles it" and when I was finished, Thomas Jay Oord asked other students, "Who wants to start?" I knew I was in for it and I actually wanted to be because I knew my thinking was off but I wanted to hear why from Thomas Jay Oord. I had heard it from a theological/biblical perspective and I wanted to hear it from a philosophical one, too. I remember in the same class, talking about Open Theism, the idea that God can't know the future. I think I must have been attracted to this idea but I had a hard time buying into it. One day, Thomas Jay Oord had just returned from a conference with a scholar named Boyd who had written a book called, "God of the Possible". Thomas Jay Oord and ONLY Thomas Jay Oord loaned me that book for a week or over the weekend or something like that. The writer was coming from a conservative perspective (inerrancy of scripture) and I found his argument convincing. Lest the reader think that Thomas Jay Oord was into brainwashing, I remember an e-mail discussion group involving a student who was a million times as smart as me who didn't agree with Thomas Jay Oord but the professor was encouraging him to go to graduate school. That communicated to me that this professor was not trying to brainwash everyone into believing what he believed but that he wanted us to think for ourselves. I regretted not being able to study under the professor the next year as a result of transferring to another university due to the financial situation of the college I was attending and the fact that the majority of the religion faculty ended up leaving by the end of my first year and every professor ended up leaving the college within the next year. But I kept in touch with Thomas Jay Oord via e-mail while waiting to be reunited with him at the university I transferred to. I'm afraid our dialogue was mixed, sometimes about my questions and sometimes about crushes I had on girls but he was very gracious. It was at this point that I seemed to consider Thomas Jay Oord not only as my professor/mentor but as my friend. Looking back, I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with Thomas Jay Oord early in his career. As he taught more he got more and more involved in scholarship and I didn't have the same opportunities but he was still very gracious to me in spite of a busy schedule. I remember struggling with a presentation on Kant that was due the next day and he gave me some advice on how to prepare. He also passed on the "golden nuggets" as he called them, when I was questioning what to believe about Jesus. Those golden nuggets were to focus on what I was confident was true. I don't know what the reasons are for this professor being dismissed but if it has anything to do with process thought, I implore those concerned about the faith of students to rest assured that Thomas Jay Oord is not spoonfeeding his students but that he is giving them ideas to wrestle with. Having spent nearly four years at a bible school that tried to "protect" students from various ideas, it meant a lot to me that Thomas Jay Oord and another professor at the first college I attended had enough confidence in their students that they didn't shelter us from these so-called ideas. Even after I graduated from that university, continued on in graduate school, graduated from there and have moved on to work in universities in South Korea, my relationship with Thomas Jay Oord has remained positive. In spite of publishing numerous books, teaching full-time and having a family to take care, Thomas Jay Oord has somehow found time to respond to my e-mail questions. Having been through numerous years of theological education I've learned to think on my own. Nonetheless it's been a great journey to say the least. And the journey is not over yet. One of the interesting things is that I still feel like I know relatively little about those ideas that people must be making such a big deal out of. I still find myself thinking back to the good ol' days and wondering what my highly esteemed professor thinks about various issues. That ought to show that Thomas Jay Oord is a thought-provoking instructor but that he is not a brainwasher. I hope it's not too late before another quality professor gets ousted out of a Nazarene university. I have no doubt that he will have many more places to serve. The question is whether the institution where he currently serves can live without him. I think the answer is obvious.

Friday, December 5, 2014

An Irreversible Decision

At 8:02am on November 13, 2014, Sinae's life and mine were changed forever when our son, Uri Daniel Dirks, was born into this world after 36 hours of labor. Sinae said she's never seen me cry before but I certainly did then. The original due date was November 6th but he was seven days late. We worried about whether he would be okay and if Sinae would be able to give birth to him naturally. We really learned to depend on God through all of this. When we gave God everything and accepted that things might not go the way we wanted things happened. After the first full day of labor Sinae starting asking about getting a C-Section and we decided we'd go that way if nothing happened by morning. But it did. Sometime that night Sinae's water broke (something we thought had already happened) and at 1:20 the next morning Sinae felt pain she'd never felt before. We were both worried that something had happened to Uri but it turned out that he was just preparing to come into this world. We've heard talk of a C-Section and although I wouldn't wish for Sinae to go through all of that again I really treasure the unforgettable experience of doing things the natural way, with an epidural mind you, because it really prepared us for meeting our first child and it forced us to rely on God and once again learn what it means to trust God. My lessons of faith from when I had a ruptured appendicitis were affirmed that when we trust God we do not tell God how to do things or simply believe God is going to do things a certain way but we just trust God that God is going to do things the right way which may not be the way we expect. A word about his name. Originally, we thought about naming him Daniel. This seemed like a good, neutral name between Korea and America but I always had reservations because it is such a common name in America and because I got picked on by a guy named Daniel, though he went by Danny. Meanwhile, Sinae asked her dad to think of a Korean name and he came up with "Uri" as a first name which he matched with "Doe" my Korean family name which means help or willingness. "Uri" alone means us. Frankly, I wasn't all that thrilled with it to begin with just because I didn't get the nuance mentally or emotionally. But as I thought about it more and was assured it's a guy's name I started to like it. I wondered if there might by chance be a similar name in English so I consulted my name book and discovered that "Uri" with similar pronunciation means, "God is my light." At that point I decided this would be the name of Sinae's and my son (I think Sinae had already decided this actually). So there's the story. Any questions?

At Last...My Name in a Book

I submitted something to be published in a book and it looks like it's going to happen. I only submitted one chapter or section or whatever, but at least it's a start. I'll try to give you more information later. Suffice it to say this is a book about "revisioning holiness". For those of you outside the denomination it's a book written by/for Nazarenes to talk about how the language of Wesleyan Holiness can be modified to keep the truth of its theology alive through revising the language as the denomination has become more global in reality. Here is a link if you are interested in buying it.

"Jesus Died For This?"

Today I finally finished reading a book that's been on the shelf for way too long. I bought it at a Christian Bookstore thinking the title was good but I suspected that it would not be all that intuitive. I was clearly wrong on this. I realized I had made a better decision in buying the book called, "Jesus Died For This? A Satirist's Search For The Risen Christ" written by Becky Garrison when she stated that she was an Anglican. Up to that point I had been thinking this might be a good book to send to a family member who is not speaking to me because of my "liberal" views but as I read it more and became greatly interested in the content, I remembered that what is grace for one person is just the opposite for another person. Nonetheless, I think Garrison does well in underscoring the importance of the resurrection of Christ and her style of literally going to the ends of the earth to find the resurrected Christ. She talks about going to the Middle East and finding more commercialization in places and yet she still managed to find Christ. Even in Europe where it is stated the Christian faith is irrelevant to the people. She even states that if she can find these genuine communities in other countries perhaps she can find them in America and she does. Garrison's perspective of growing up in the Anglican Church combined with her involvement in the emerging church and monastic communities makes for an interesting perspective that gives her an open mind beyond her own tradition. At the same time, I like her honesty about finding grace in her own tradition while also recognizing that not all people find God's grace in the same way she does. I recommend this book especially to people who are wondering where God is working. One of the greatest resources this book offers is the list of valuable sources consulted for the writing of this book. While the language of the book is simple, the ideas behind the language are deep and reflective. With all that said about recommending this book, I might still send this book as a gift.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

When God Knows (Genesis 22:1-12)

Today, I preached in Korean for the second time ever. The pastor said he understood 30% of what I said before and 70% of what I said this time. He is very committed to honesty, something he exhorts his staff and parishioners to follow, but I'm still suspicious his 60-70% is generous. Here is the text in both Korean and English. Writing it out this way helps to not get lost as easy as if the text were just in Korean, though it still happened a few times. 하나님께서 아실 때 (When God Knows) 안녕하십니까? Good afternoon. 반갑습니다. It’s great to be with you again. 그 동안 잘 지내셨지요? How have you been? 이번 예배가 여러분들과 만나는 두 번째 예배라고 생각되는데요 I believe this is the second service we have met together in, right? 여러분들을 만나서 하나님의 말씀에 대한 은혜를 나눌 수 있는 기회를 저에게 주신 것을 감사합니다. I want to thank you for once again giving me the opportunity to meet with you and share some thoughts about God’s written word. 주어진 시간이 제한되어 있기 때문에, 창세기 22장 1절부터 12절까지를 읽고 곧바로 말씀을 전하겠습니다. Since our time is limited, I’d like to get right into it and start by reading Genesis 22:1-12. 저와 여러분들이 본문말씀을 한절씩 교대로 봉독하시겠습니다. Let’s read this one verse at a time, alternately. I’ll read the first verse, you read the second verse and so on. 창세기 22장 1절부터 12절입니다. 1 그 일 후에 하나님이 아브라함을 시험하시려고 그를 부르시되 아브라함아 하시니 그가 가로되 내가 여기 있나이다 After that God called on Abraham to test him. “Abraham,” God said. And Abraham said, “Here I am.” 2 여호화께서 가라사대 네 아들 네 사랑하는 독자 이삭을 데리고 모리아 땅으로 가서 내가 네게 지시하는 한 산 거기서 그를 번제로 드리라 And God said, “Take your son, your only son whom you love, to the land of Mariah and I will direct you to a mountain where you will offer him as a burnt offering.” 3 아브라함이 아침에 일찌기 일어나 나귀에 안장을 지우고 두 사환과 그 아들 이삭을 데리고 번제에 쓸 나무를 쪼개어 가지고 떠나 하나님의 자기에게 지시하시는 곳으로 가더니 Abraham woke up early the next morning to load the saddle on the donkey, took two attendants with his son Isaac, gathered split wood to use for the burnt offering and left for the place where God would direct (directed?) him to go. 4 제 삼일에 아브라함이 눈을 들어 그곳을 멀리 바라본지라 On the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place far away. 5 이에 아브라함이 사환에게 이르되 너희는 나귀와 함께 여기서 기다리라 내가 아이와 함께 저기 가서 경배하고 너희에게로 돌아오리라 하고 At that point Abraham told the attendants, “You both wait here with the donkey while my son and I go there to worship and we will return to you and 6 아브라함이 이에 번제 나무를 취하여 그 아들 이삭에게 지우고 자기는 불과 칼을 손에 들고 두 사람이 동행하더니 Then Abraham gathered the wood for the burnt offering and loaded it on Isaac and he took the flame and knife in his hand and the two of them went together. 7 이삭이 그 아비 아브라함에게 말하여 가로되 내 아버지여 하니 그가 가로되 내 아들아 내가 여기 있노라 이삭이 가로되 불과 나무는 있거니와 번제할 어린 양은 어디 있나이까 Isaac spoke to his father Abraham and said, “Father.” And Abraham said, “Here I am, son.” Then Isaac said, “We have the fire and the wood but where is the lamb to be sacrificed?” 8 아브라함이 가로되 아들아 번제할 어린 양은 하나님이 자기를 위하여 친히 준비하시리라 하고 두 사람이 함께 나아가서 Abraham answered, “Son, the lamb to be sacrificed for us God will personally prepare” and the two of them went further together. 9 하나님이 그에게 지시하신 곳에 이른지라 이에 아브라함이 그곳에 단을 쌓고 나무를 벌여놓고 그 아들 이삭을 결박하여 단 나무 위에 놓고 When they arrived at the place God had designated to Abraham he piled columns and placed the wood there and bound his son and placed him on the altar and 10 손을 내밀어 칼을 잡고 그 아들을 잡으려 하더니 reached out his hand, grabbed the knife and was about to kill his son. 11 여호화의 사자가 하늘에서부터 그를 불러 가라사대 아브라함아 아브라함아 하시는지라 아브라함이 가로되 내가 여기 있나이다 하매 An angel of God called from heaven and said, “Abraham! Abraham!” And Abraham answered, “Here I am.” 12 사자가 가라사대 그 아이에게 네 손을 대지 말라 아무 일도 그에게 하지 말라 네가 네 아들 네 독자라도 내게 아끼지 아니 하였으니 내가 이제야 네가 하나님을 경외하는 줄을 아노라 The angel said, “Don’t lay a finger on your son. Don’t do a single thing to him. Now that you have not kept your son, your beloved son, from me I know that you fear me. 한국은 어떤지 모르겠지만 미국에서는 일반적으로 어린이들은 가상의 친구를 가지고 있습니다. I’m not sure about Korea but in America it is common for children to have imaginary friends. 그래서 어른들은 다음과 같은 일을 만나게 됩니다. In that case, an adult may encounter the following scenario. 우리는 일상적으로 어떤 가족에게 식사초대를 받게 됩니다. Typically, one might be invited over to share a meal with a family. 초대받은 어른이 테이블에 막 앉으려고 할 때, 그 집 아이가 “거기서 앉으시면 안 되요.” 라고 큰소리로 말합니다. An adult may be just about to sit down when a child speaks up and says, “You can’t sit there.” “왜 이 자리에 앉으면 안 되지?” 라고 물으면, 그 아이는 내 친구가 그 자리에 앉아 있기 때문이라고 말합니다. When the adult asks, “Why not?” the child proceeds to tell the person that her or his imaginary friend is sitting there. 만약에 그 어른이 아이들의 심리를 이해한다면, 그 아이와 언쟁하기 보다, 대신 “네 친구 이름이 뭐야?”라고 묻습니다. If the adult knows anything about childhood psychology, rather than arguing with the child, s/he will ask, “What’s your friend’s name?” 그 아이는 자기 친구 이름이 민수라고 대답합니다. The child will respond, “His name is Minsu.” 그때 어른은 자기 이름이 브렌트라고 소개하며, 민수에게 만나서 반갑다고 말하면서 인사를 합니다. Then the adult will greet the child by saying, “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Minsu. My name is Brent.” 그러면 그 아이는 자기 친구인 민수를 향하여 그 어른에게 자리를 양보하라고 말하게 됩니다. Then the child will eventually say that her/his friend granted the adult permission to sit there. 혹은 어린이의 부모가 자기 아이에게 그 친구를 다른 자리로 옮기라고 말합니다. Or the parents will tell their child that their imaginary friend has to move. 저는 저와 나이가 비슷하고 일반적인 이름을 가진 가상의 친구가 아닌, 가상의 제 친구는 저의 ‘아들’이었습니다. Instead of having a typical imaginary friend with a common first name and an age similar to mine, my imaginary friend was my son. 또래 아이들과 비교했을 때 저는 좀 독특한 편이었습니다. 왜 제가 아들이라는 가상의 친구가 있었냐면 저에게 아버지와 아들의 관계가 중요하다는 것을 어렸을 때부터 알았기 때문입니다. 우리 모두는 부모와 자식간의 관계가 중요하다는 사실을 압니다. We all know that our relationships with our parents and/or children are important. 그렇지 않으세요? Don’t we? 만일 자녀들이 부모와 좋은 관계를 갖고 있지 않으면 심리적으로 심각한 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. If children don’t have a good relationship with their parents they can develop major psychological problems. 사라와 아브라함은 어떤 부모였을까요? What kind of parents do you think Sarah and Abraham were? 우리는 사라와 아브라함 부부가 과연 무슨 대화를 나누었는지 알 수 있는 권한은 주어지지 않았습니다. We aren’t granted the privilege of seeing just what kind of a conversation they had. 여러분 생각에 아브라함은 사라에게 정말로 무엇이라고 말했을까요? What do you think Abraham really said to Sarah? 아브라함이 그가 계획한 모든 일들을 자세하게 사라에게 말했을 때, 과연 사라는 어떤 반응을 보였을까요? How do you think Sarah would have responded if Abraham told Sarah every detail of what he was planning? “당신이 맞아요. 이삭을 데리고 번제를 드리세요,” 이렇게 사라가 말했을까요? Would she have said, “Yes, dear. You can take Isaac and sacrifice him.” 아니면, “아니 당신 미쳤어요? 우리 사랑하는 아들을 번제로 드린다고요? Or, “You WHAT? You’re going to sacrifice our beloved son ? 내 눈에 흙이 들어가기 전에는 절대로 안 되요!” Over my dead body!” 아니면 아브라함이, “이삭과 함께 산에 다녀올께요.” Or do you think Abraham just said, “Isaac and I are going to a mountain. We’ll be back later today”? 나중에 아브라함은 왜 사환들에게 “나만 돌아 올것이다”라고 말하지 않았을까요? Why didn’t Abraham tell his servants something like, “I will return alone”? “우리가 가서, 우리가 예배하고, 우리가 돌아오리라”라고 말했습니다 He said, “We will go, worship and come back.” 아브라함은 하나님께서 그가 사랑하는 아들을 죽이려고 할 때 멈추게 하실 것을 분명히 확신하였을까요? Did Abraham in fact believe God to the point that he was confident God wouldn’t allow Abraham to kill his beloved son? 또한 아브라함은 이렇게 생각하지 않았을까요? “하나님께서 나에게 약속하신 언약의 첫 자손인 내 아들을 내 손으로 죽이라고 하는 일이 상식적인 일인가? Did he think, “Oh, come on. Do you really think God is going to let me kill my own son, the first descendant of the covenant God has made with me?” 이삭이 아브라함에게 질문을 던지고 있습니다. Isaac asked a question, didn’t he? “아버지, 불과 나무는 있는데 번제에 쓸 어린 양은 어디에 있나요?”라고 물었습니다. We have the fire and the wood so where is the lamb to be sacrificed? 이 질문은 무슨 뜻일까요? What does this question mean? 보통 하나님께서는 아브라함의 이름을 부르시며 그를 부르셨습니다. 아브라함은 “내가 여기 있나이다”라고 대답하였습니다. Usually God was the one to call Abraham by name and then Abraham responded, “Here I am.” 그러나 이 때에, 이삭은 그의 아버지의 이름을 부르며 아버지를 불렀습니다. 아브라함은 이삭에게 “내가 여기에 있노라”라고 대답하였습니다. But this time, Isaac calls his father by name and Abraham responds by saying, “Here I am.” 여러분들은 이삭이 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있는지에 대해서 약간의 의심을 하기 시작했다고 생각하십니까? Do you think that perhaps Isaac was getting just a little suspicious about what was going on? 이삭이 번제에 쓸 나무를 지고 갈 때, 불과 칼을 손에 들고 가는 자가 아버지라는 사실이, 이삭에게는 이상하게 생각되지 않았을까요? Was he okay with the fact that his father was the one carrying the fire and the knife while the wood for the sacrifice had already been laid on Isaac? 만일 우리가 이삭의 입장이라면, 우리는 그것이 아무렇지도 않게 생각될까요? Would we be okay if we were in Isaac’s shoes? 여러분들은 모르겠습니다만, 제가 이삭이었다면 저도 두말할 필요도 없이 부정적인 얼굴 표정을 지으며, 심지어는 무례한 음성으로 이렇게 물어볼것입니다. I don’t know about you, but I would definitely be exposing some negative facial expresses and I might even ask in an almost rude tone, “우리가 번제를 드리러 가는데, 아버지는 불과 칼을 가지고 가시고, 저는 번제에 쓸 나무를 지고 갑니다. “If we are going to make a sacrifice, you are carrying the fire and the knife and you’ve already laid the wood on me for the sacrifice. 그러면 도대체 누가 번제할 어린 양입니까?” Who on earth is the lamb that is going to be sacrificed?” 혹시 저는 아니겠지요? It’s not me, is it? 창세기 22장 9절 말씀은 자세한 설명이 결여된 것 같습니다. Verse 9 seems to lack details. 아브라함과 이삭은 하나님께서 일러주신 곳에 도착했습니다. They arrived on location at the place God directed Abraham to. 그 다음에 아브라함이 제단을 쌓았을까요? Perhaps Abraham built an altar next? 아마도 아브라함 자신이 모든 것을 다 준비했을 것입니다. I suppose Abraham did all of the preparing. 최종적으로 아브라함은 아들을 결박하여 아들이 지고 온 제단 나무 위에다 올려놓았습니다. Eventually he tied up his son and placed him on the wood that his own son carried. 아브라함이 제단을 쌓는 동안 이삭은 무엇을 하고 있었을까요? What was Isaac doing while Abraham was building the altar? 이삭은 아버지 아브라함에게 수많은 질문들을 마지막까지 던졌을까요? Did Isaac eventually ask so many questions that Abraham had to say, “That’s enough!”? 이삭은 자신의 몸을 결박하고자 하는 아버지의 뜻에 고분고분 순종하였을까요? Did Isaac just submit to his father’s wish to tie up his own flesh and blood? 혹은 이삭은 거역하는 몸부림을 치지는 않았을까요? Or was there a struggle? 이삭 자신이 재물이라는 사실을 깨달았을 때, 눈이 얼마만큼 커져 있었을까요? How big were Isaac’s eyes when he realized that HE was the sacrifice? 그런 이삭에게 아브라함은 무엇으로 설명했을까요? What was Abraham’s explanation? 그때 하나님은 어떠셨을까요? What about God? 우리는 아브라함에게 큰소리로 외치는 주체가 하나님과 하나님의 천사 그 누구였는지는 정확히 알 수 없습니다. We don’t know exactly what the difference here is between God and the angel who cries out to Abraham. 누가 외쳤든 그것은 중요한 것 같지 않습니다. Who cried out doesn’t seem to be important. 우리가 아는 것은 하늘로부터 아브라함의 이름을 부르는 한 음성이 있었다는 것입니다. What we are told is that there was a voice that cried out from heaven and called Abraham’s name. 여느 때처럼, 아브라함은 “여기 내가 있습니다” 라고 말했습니다. And like always, Abraham said, “Here I am.” 무엇이 문제였을까요? What was the problem? 하나님께서는 자신의 마음을 바꾸셨을까요? Did God change God’s mind? 하나님은 태초부터 무슨 생각을 하고 계셨을까요? What was God thinking from the beginning? 아브라함 또한 처음부터 무슨 생각을 하고 있었을까요? What was Abraham thinking from the beginning? 아브라함은 하나님께서 이와 같은 방식으로 관여할 것을 기대했을까요? Did he expect God to intervene like this? 이삭은 화를 냈을까요? Was Isaac angry? 이삭은 자기 생명을 거의 취할려고 한 아브라함을 용서해야만 했었을까요? Was he supposed to forgive Abraham for nearly taking his life? 이삭은 움직일 수가 있었을까요? Was Isaac able to move? 무슨 일이 벌어졌을까요? What happened? 저는 12절을 읽을 때 정말 놀라게 됩니다. I am simply stunned when I read this verse. 아브라함은 진실로 위대한 본보기입니다. Abraham is truly a great example. 솔직히 말씀 드려서, 저는 이 구절을 가볍게 읽을 수가 없습니다. To be honest with you, I can’t read this passage easily. 비록 제가 아직은 자식을 두지 못했을지라도, 부모에게 있어서 자녀들은 큰 축복이라고 생각할 수 있습니다. Even though I don’t have children yet myself, I can imagine what a blessing they are. 아브라함은 처음부터 끝까지 하나님에게 가장 아끼는 소유인, 사랑하는 아들을 드렸습니다. Abraham, from beginning to end, gave God his most prized possession, his beloved son. 그러나 결국 아브라함은 아들을 잃지 않았고 하나님과 더 깊은 관계를 갖게 되었습니다. But in the end, Abraham had a son and a deeper relationship with God. 우리가 이 이야기를 읽을 때, 그것이 가진 깊은 의미 속으로 들어가려면, 하나님의 천사가 사용하는 동사를 살펴봐야 합니다. When we read this story, to really get the depth of the meaning of it, we have got to look at the verb that the angel uses: 그 동사는 ‘알다’ 입니다. know. “이제야 네가 나를 경외하는 줄 아노라.” Now I KNOW you fear me. 우리는 이 구절을 설명하기 위해서 종종 신학적인 용어를 검토하고 지나치게 단순화된 방식으로 그 의미를 추정해버리기 때문에, 그런 방식은 우리에게 가벼운 믿음을 가져다 줍니다. We often throw around theological terminology and make assumptions in order to explain this passage in such an oversimplified way that gives us such a shallow faith. 이 구절 속에서, 만유의 하나님께서는 아브라함이 가장 사랑하는 자신의 아들을 거의 살해하려고 한 후에, 아브라함이 하나님을 경외하는 사실을 알게 되었다는 것을 천사를 통해서 아브라함에게 말하고 있습니다. In this passage, the God of the universe tells Abraham through the angel of the Lord that God knows Abraham fears God only after Abraham has nearly slaughtered his most beloved son. 오늘 본문성경은 그저 하나의 이야기로 끝나지 않습니다. This passage is not meant to be just a story. 사건 다음에 일어난 일은 여호와의 천사가 아브라함을 두번째 불렀다는 것입니다. The next thing that happened was that the angel of the Lord called Abraham a second time. 이번에는 하나님을 대변하는 천사가, 아브라함이 하나님께 순종하였기 때문에, 하나님께서 아브라함을 축복하실 것이라는 약속을 했습니다. This time the angel, speaking on behalf of God, made a promise that God would bless Abraham because Abraham obeyed God. 약속이라기 보다 차라리 ‘언약’ 이라는 표현이 정확한 것입니다. The promise, covenant rather, 그 언약은 단지 아브라함에 관한 것이 아니라 아브라함의 모든 자손들에게 해당됩니다. was not just about Abraham but about all of his offspring. 아브라함의 자손들이 자손들의 원수들이 가진 땅까지도 소유하게 될 것이라는 하나님의 약속이었습니다. It was a promise that Abraham’s offspring would possess even the land of their enemies. 왜요? 아브라함이 하나님을 신뢰했고 믿었습니다. Why? Abraham obeyed God from beginning to end. 본문 말씀은 현재를 살고 있는 우리와도 연관이 있지요. Also, this passage has a connection with us, too, doesn’t it? 하나님께서는 한 사람과 교제를 갖기 위해서 이런 일들을 행하지는 않았습니다. God didn’t just do this to have a relationship with one person. 하지만 하나님께서는 여러분과 저를 위해서 하나님의 아들을 주셨습니다. Eventually, God gave God’s son for you and for me. 그 이유는 하나님께서 아브라함과 교제를 하신 것과 같이 우리들과 교제하기를 원하셨기 때문입니다. The reason was because God wanted to have a relationship with us like God had a relationship with Abraham. 우리와의 개인적인 교제를 위해 특별하고 거룩한 방법을 생각해 내셨습니다. But because God is a holy God, God had a specific method in mind. This we already know, right? 제 생각에는 우리가 오늘 본문말씀을 쉽게 읽을 수 있는 것처럼 여겨집니다. It seems to me that we can easily read this passage 또한 하나님께서 아브라함에게 말씀하시고, 아브라함이 하나님께 순종하는 모습을 쉽게 볼 수 있는 것처럼 여겨집니다. and see God speaking to Abraham and Abraham obeying God. 그러나 하나님의 부르심, 아브라함의 순종, 아브라함의 봉헌, 자신의 언약을 성취하시는 하나님 사이에 놓여있는 관계를 이해하는 일은 결코 쉽지 않아 보입니다. But it seems more difficult to see the relationship between God’s call, Abraham’s obedience, Abraham’s consecration and God fulfilling God’s covenant. 여호와의 천사가 아브라함에게 나타나서 “내가 이제야 네가 하나님을 경외하는 줄을 알았노라”고 말했을 때, 이 구절은 하나님이 인간과 어떤 관계를 맺고 계시는 분이라는 사실을 분명히 드러내줍니다. This passage makes clear when the angel of the Lord says, “Now I know you fear God” that God is a relational God. 만일 하나님께서 정말로 우리들과 어떤 관계를 맺고 계신 관계적인 하나님이라면, 여기에서 하나님의 행위도 중요합니다. If God is indeed a relational God, then God’s activity here is also important. 만일 우리가 하나님으로부터 어떤 반응도 없이, 우리 자신과 다른 사람들과 우리 소유를 하나님에게 단지 드리기만 한다면, 우리는 온전한 구원을 받지 못하는 것입니다. If we only consecrate ourselves, others and our possessions to God without God responding we have not received full salvation. 이 성경구절의 핵심포인트는 아브라함이 하나님을 신뢰하고 믿었다는 것입니다. The key point of this passage is that Abraham believed God, 그 의미는 아브라함이 하나님을 경외하였습니다. aka feared God in a healthy way. 이 성경이야기는 무작위로 사람을 시험하는 하나님에 관한 이야기가 단지 아닙니다. This story is not simply a story about God testing a random person. 이 이야기는 하나님과 언약을 맺은 사람에 관한 이야기입니다. Rather it is a story about the person whom God made a covenant with. 하나님과의 언약은 중대한 일입니다. A covenant with God is big business. 하나님께서는 언약의 파트너인 아브라함이 정말로 신뢰할 만한 인물인가를 보기 원하셨습니다. God wanted to see if Abraham could really be trusted as part of the covenant. 이 성경 이야기는 아브라함이 그럴만한 대상이라고 말해줍니다. The narrative tells us he could. 하나님께서 아브라함과의 언약을 한층 더 성취시키신 것은 그 사실을 증명해줍니다. And God’s further fulfillment of the covenant is evidence of that. 하나님께서는 오늘날 우리들에게도 동일한 조건을 제시하십니다. God offers the same to us today. 어떤 부모님들은 개입하시는 하나님의 천사가 나타나지 않아서 선택의 여지 없이 자녀들을 잃어버리는 경험을 합니다. Some parents experience the loss of their children without an angel of the Lord to intervene, which is no choice of their own. 지난 설교 때 여러분들과 나눈 메시지에서 기차사고로 목숨을 잃은 제 큰아버지에 대해서 말씀드린 적이 있습니다. Last time I shared a message with you I told you about my dad’s older brother who was killed in a train wreck. 우리가 가진 성경책 뒤에 수록된 찬송가를 쓴 사람들이 있습니다. We have written hymns in the back of our bibles 그들도 역시 유사한 비극적인 상황을 통과하면서 찬송가를 쓰고, 아마도 그 노래를 부르며 살았던 사람들입니다. Some of the people who wrote those hymns have been through similar traumatic situations who lived to write about it, and presumably sing about it, too. 미국 일리노이주 시카고에서 살았던 한 남성이 그런 사람들 중의 하나였습니다. One of those was a man who lived in Chicago, Illinois in the USA. 호라시오 스패포드는 1871년 시카고 대화재가 발생한지 몇년 후인 1873년에, 가족과 함께 유럽여행을 계획하고 있었습니다. Horatio Spafford had planned a trip with his family to go to Europe a few years after the 1871 Great Chicago Fire in 1873. 시카고 대화재의 여파로 관련된 업무 때문에, 가족들을 자기보다 먼저 떠나보내면서 후에 가족과 합류할 계획을 가지고 있었습니다. Due to work related to the aftermath of the Great Chicago Fire, he decided to send his family ahead of him with plans to reunite with them later. 가족들이 유럽으로 가는 도중에, 그들이 탄 배가 다른 배와 충돌했습니다. On their way, they collided with another ship. 스패포드의 네 자녀가 목숨을 잃었습니다. All four of his children lost their lives. 아내는 스패포드에게 전보로 비극적인 소식을 전했습니다. His wife wired him the sad news. 곧이어 스패포드는 아내를 만나기 위해서 배를 탔습니다. Spafford soon after boarded a boat to meet his wife. 스패포드가 탄배가 사고가 난 지점을 통과하게 되었습니다. On his way to meet her, he passed the point where the accident was. 그때 스패포드는 그 자리에서 오늘날 우리에게 “내 평생에 가는 길”로 알려진 찬송가를 썼습니다. At that time he wrote the hymn we know today as, “It is Well with My Soul” from the seat he was sitting in as he passed that point. 오늘의 메시지는 구약성경의 초반부에 있는 단순한 하나의 이야기가 아닙니다. Today’s message is not just a story in the beginning of the Old Testament. 아브라함은 분명히 자신이 사랑하는 아들을 번제로 드리려는 마음을 백프로 가지고 있었습니다. Abraham evidently had every intention of sacrificing his beloved son. 아브라함에게 있어 이삭은 특별한 존재였습니다. Now Isaac wasn’t his only son but Isaac was unique to his half brother, Ishmael. 비록 아브라함이 이삭을 하나님께 드렸을지라도, 하나님께서는 이삭의 생명을 살리셨습니다. But even though Abraham offered Isaac to God, God spared Isaac’s life. 또한 하나님께서는 하나님과 우리의 관계를 회복시키기 위해서, 하나님의 사랑과 은혜의 증거로써, 우리를 위하여 자기 아들을 드려야 할 때가 되었을 때, 하나님은 자신의 아들을 아끼지 않으셨습니다. But when it came time for God to offer God’s son for us as a testimony to God’s love and God’s grace, to restore God’s relationship with us, God didn’t spare God’s only son. 여러분들이 아시는 바와 같이, 아브라함이 이삭을 번제로 드리는 이야기는 오늘날 우리들에게도 연관이 있습니다. So you see, this story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac is relevant to us today. 이 곳에 모여있는 여러분들과도 연관이 있습니다. It’s relevant to the people in this room. 그리스도를 자신의 구세주로 신뢰하지 않는 사람들에게도 연관이 있습니다. It’s relevant to people who have never trusted Christ as their savior. 자신의 모든 소유를, 자신에게 가장 가치 있는 관계들을, 특별히 자신들의 자녀를 하나님에게 결코 드린 적이 없는 사람들에게도 연관이 있습니다. It’s relevant to people who’ve never really given God all of their possessions, all of their most treasured relationships, especially their children. 아직도 교회 멤버가 아닌 사람들에게도 연관이 있습니다. It’s relevant to people who aren’t yet members. 집사님들과 장로님들, 전도사님들과 목사님들에게도 똑같이 연관이 있습니다. It’s equally relevant to deacons and elders, licensed ministers and ordained ministers. 찬송가 “내 평생에 가는 길”을 쓴 작사자의 이야기 속에서 비록 그 분은 자신의 아들을 잃어버렸지만, 그것은 자기 자신의 선택에 의한 것이 아니었습니다. Although this story of the writer of “It is Well with My Soul” lost his children, it wasn’t by his own choice. 우리는 아브라함 자신이 주저하는 모습과 아브라함이 어떻게 다른 대안책을 찾으려고 시도했는지에 대해서 상상해 볼 수가 있습니다. And we can imagine Abraham’s own reluctance and how he might have tried to find another way. 그러나 구약성경을 읽고 우리가 아는 것은 하나님께서는 자신의 생각을 자유롭게 바꾸실 수 있다는 사실입니다. But we know from what we read in the Old Testament that God was free to change God’s mind. 하나님께서는 십자가에서 자신의 아들을 희생시키는 때가 찾아왔을 때, 자신의 마음을 바꿀 수실 있었지만 바꾸지 않으셨습니다. And yet when it came to sacrificing his son on the cross, God didn’t change his mind then. 하나님께서는 우리가 그분을 사랑하는지 안 하는지 우리를 시험해보는 대신에, 하나님께서 우리를 사랑하신다는 것을 우리에게 보여주셨습니다. And instead of testing us to see if we loved God, God showed us that God loves us. 지금 하나님께서는 그분이 우리에게 보여주신 사랑에 응답하도록 우리를 초청하고 계십니다. And now God invites us in response to God’s demonstration of love. 그리스도를 자신의 구세주로 믿지 않은 사람에게는, 오늘이 여러분에게는 하나님의 사랑에 응답하는 그 날입니다. For the person who has never trusted Christ as one’s savior, today is the day for you to respond. 그리스도를 자신의 구세주로 신뢰하기 시작했지만, For the person who has begun trusting Christ as one’s savior, 더 많은 신뢰를 해야 한다는 것을 아는 사람은, but knows there’s more 그리고 “나는 모든 것을 원한다”는 하나님의 음성을 듣는 사람은, and hears God saying, “I want all of it”, 그리고 지금 우리가 소유한 물질들을, now is the time for you to surrender your material possessions, 더욱더 중요한 것은, and more importantly, 자신이 가장 가치를 두는 관계들을 포기해야 하는 그 때입니다. your most valued relationships, 마치 아브라함이 자신이 사랑하는 아들을 하나님에게 드린 것처럼 말입니다. just like Abraham submitted his beloved son to God. 하나님께서는 우리들과 관계를 갖기 원하신다는 것을 우리들에게 보여주셨습니다. God has shown us that God wants a relationship with us. 지금 하나님께서는 우리들에게 산으로 가서 제단을 쌓고 And now God tells us to build an altar on a mountain, 우리가 가진 것을 드리라고 말씀하십니다. and to offer what we have. 우리가 적절하게 반응한다면, And if we respond appropriately, 혹은 우리가 거부한다면, or if we don’t, 하나님께서는 우리가 하나님을 사랑하는지, God will know that we love God 혹은 사랑하지 않는지 알게 될 것입니다. or that we don’t. 우리가 취할 행동은 무엇입니까? What will we do? 이 자리를 떠나기 전에 “우리가 가진 것”을 하나님께 드리고, Let’s not leave without consecrating “our stuff” to God 충만한 하나님의 은혜와 and receiving the fullness of God’s grace, 복된 하나님의 성령을 받으시기를 간절히 바랍니다. God’s blessed Holy Spirit. 기도하시겠습니다. Let's pray. 로마서 12:1-2 Romans 12:1-2 그러므로 형제들아 내가 하나님의 모든 자비하심으로 너희를 권하노니 너희 몸을 하나님이 기뻐하시는 거룩한 산 제사로 드리라 이는 너희의 드릴 영적 예배니라 너희는 이 세대를 본받지 말고 오직 마음을 새롭게 함으로 변화를 받아 하나님의 선하시고 기뻐하시고 온전하신 뜻이 무엇인지 분별하도록 하라 사랑의 하나님, God of Love, 지금까지 우리를 사랑해주셔서 감사합니다. Thank you for loving us up to this point. 하나님이 먼저 우리를 사랑하셔서 우리는 지금부터 하나님께 우리의 몸과 마음과 영혼을 드립니다. Since you loved us first we give you our bodies, our hearts and our spirits from this moment on. 하나님의 뜻대로 사용해주시옵소서 Use us to do your will. 예수님 이름으로 기도드립니다. In Jesus name we pray, 아멘 Amen