Monday, May 10, 2010
Oh Be Careful Little Mind What You Think...Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Speak
Yesterday (Sunday) I was reminded of the things I've done to get through the last thirty-two years (or thirty-three years if you are in Korea) that have not always been healthy but have gotten me through a lot of difficult circumstances that I didn't understand and if I allowed myself may have caused me to go insane. Well at least that is how I see it. If you are from my father's side of the family you know exactly what I am talking about...being critical.
It seems that my college and seminary careers foster this natural cynicism that I grew up with to some extent and have been aware of but only now do I realize the real urgency of changing my thinking. It certainly isn't any easier now than before but now I have more of a sense of urgency and I think that given the fact that this is my third entry in one night hopefully demonstrates my desire to change. But we all know that the first step is easier than following through, at least on something like this where I'm not sure that people even read this blog very often. No offense if you're reading this now.
I’m not sure how, but somehow this cynicism exposed itself slightly on Saturday and moreso on Sunday. I think I had some legitimate concerns, like how I can have deep conversation with my Korean girlfriend in the same language, what to make of the voices that are telling me this can’t really work and why I can’t understand a Korean sermon after living in Korea for two years but rather than express these concerns (obviously the second one is something I have to figure out for myself) honestly or try to figure them out without planting seeds of doubt in my girlfriend’s mind (I think I want to call her by her name from now on) I used the passive-aggressive tool that has been my bed-fellow for so long, being critical. Note: this is not to be confused with critical thinking which I take to be a good thing.
And the cultural difference that goes along with this conflict is that related to the importance of family. This is something I have probably wondered about for a long time, perhaps before I moved to Korea. In my family, I have seen some brokenness that has probably lended itself to more brokenness in subsequent generations. This of course is merely speculation and I’m sure there is as much evidence against this as there is for this. But hearing negative talk about my paternal grandfather, all the things he did to cause discourse not just in the immediate family but in the extended family, the things his father did to feed his bad habits and the things that are happening now, has caused me to wonder what the importance is of family.
Then, of course there also seem to be suggestions in the Bible that the family is not THE most important thing in the world. From the early command that a man shall leave his parents (or perhaps family) and cleave to his wife, God’s call (or command, which could amount to a debate grounded in semantics) to Abram (later to be called Abraham) to leave his land, family and father’s household, along with Jesus identification of those who follow him as his mother and brothers and the Lukan account of Jesus telling prospective followers that if they want to follow him they are to hate their own family members. In one gospel account, I recall one person expressing interest in being Jesus’ disciple but feeling the need to bury his own parent, to which Jesus tells him to let the dead bury the dead.
In my own personal experience, I have had many encounters with people who were under no obligation to do what they did for me, which would suggest to me they were as much my own “family” as those I was related to. But all the while, I don’t want to underemphasize the importance of my real family. My own mother has supported me through every phase of my life, regardless of whether she always agreed with my choices. And my relationship with my father has come a long ways, having grown by leaps and bounds since our strong disagreement about where I should go to school, which led to four, five or six of the most difficult years in terms of our relationship. And of course my maternal grandparents were an unbelievable blessing to me, treating me as one of their friends rather than merely as a grandson. They modeled Christian faith for me in very quiet but convicting ways. And of course my paternal grandmother always cared for me, though the way she expressed this love was not what I thought I needed at the time. I am grateful for the way she opened her mind up to my perspective especially towards the latter part of her life. I’ll never forget the time when I was so upset about her thoughts regarding a youth conference in another state that I started crying and left the table. My mom as my witness, my maternal grandma’s attitude toward me seemed different from that time forward.
And of course the real reason why I am writing on this subject: the importance of family in Korean culture. This is significant to me because I am dating a Korean woman, now. It seems apparent by our willingness to endure through the difficult moments of misunderstanding, that we really like each other and that this liking for one another has the potential to grow into love for one another. But there is a slight obstacle: that is our understanding of family and more important, the importance of her relationship with her family, particularly with her parents. Unfortunately, I have heard a lot of accounts of foreigners who dated Koreans only to break up because the Korean family didn’t approve of their daughter or son marrying a foreigner. And in my case this is a situation that causes concern and anxiety for me because in my experience, parents don’t change their mind easily.
But that is something I don’t have any control over. I have a lot of reason to believe the Sinae is willing to overcome this mountain in order to have a relationship with me. After having had lunch with her brother, I think I understand at least her family’s culture a little bit more. And I was relieved to receive a text message from her mom tonight in response to my text message wishing her a happy mother’s day. She said, “I hope you will be healthy and have a strong mind in the Lord.” And of course she said thank you for sending her that message.
So now the next step is to finish the book I’m currently reading and start learning about family in Korean culture. I think I’ll finish the chapter I’m working on in my Korean language book, say a prayer regarding all the things I have written about tonight, send a good night text-message to Sinae and call it a night.
Trying To Understand Korean Culture
I've been reading this book (“The Koreans: Who They Are, What They Want, Where Their Future Lies” by Michael Breen, 2004) in order to understand Korean culture. This is directly related to dating Sinae (the woman in the picture below). I was surprised at how quickly this book helped me understand her as well as Korean culture. I’m more than halfway through the book and I have enjoyed reading it.
The easiest part of the book so far is the first section. In this part the writer deals with some of the easier, day to day concepts of Korean culture. I felt like this section was a Means of Grace to me because it greeted my lack of understanding as if I was talking with a friend about all the things I didn’t understand. While it could be perceived to have a slightly negative tone, I think this perspective is valuable for the foreigner experiencing frustration as a result of a lack of understanding. While greeting this frustration with open arms on the one hand Michael Breen also offers explanation that at least deferred my frustration. I found his discussion of “gibun” especially helpful in understanding why it is important for my girlfriend to be alone when we are not together and why some Koreans are hesitant to say something confrontational. Of course there is much more to this concept than I can do justice to in this short blog.
The second section is about the history of Korea and a bit more difficult to understand, or perhaps that was just my experience as I tried to read it as I rode the subway to Seoul with a lot of distractions. Nonetheless, I was able to understand more about the people I live near and work with. It certainly gave me a greater degree of compassion for Koreans which needs to go much deeper. Now I’m learning about some of the events that have led up to Korea’s nearly current circumstances. It is unbelievable to me that I knew so little about Korea’s economic crisis in 1997, when I was barely beginning my Bible school career. I’m looking forward to the upcoming chapters on politics and the economy, things I hope to write more about as I progress through the book.
A Providential Blessing
It has been far too long since I posted anything beyond a newsletter on this blog. Wouldn’t you know it is when I am trying to improve myself that I return to this habit? It just so happens that now I am in a relationship with the girl in this picture. Her name is Sinae Park (박시내). We have been dating for just over five months now. I think that she is very patient and loyal to have put up with me that long. And we certainly have our mountains. But the funny thing is we keep climbing the mountains which help us to appreciate the good times that much more. It seems that we have developed a pattern of having an issue to deal with about every other week. One of those issues has been about having alone time which I have tried to dissuade her from but I think she is right on this as well as many other issues. When she has the alone time that she needs it seems that when we are together our time together is that much more enjoyable. So I think I’m going to follow her example and start taking better care of myself, particularly emotionally, for her sake and for mine.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Winter 2010 Newsletter
Dear Friends,
Greetings from South Korea, the place that has been my home away from home for almost 2 years. The time has gone faster than I expected, and my 2 year anniversary will be in April. Now that I have been here this long, everything seems to be mostly routine. Let me use my imagination a little bit and see if I can share some adventures to make it worth your time.
The most recent newsletter I can find is the one I sent after my trip to Vietnam. If I am mistaken, I apologize for some of the repeated information that I have included here. As you may recall, I had fallen in love with Vietnam and was wishing there were a way for me to revisit Vietnam. After I returned to Korea, I had no motivation to study Korean and following a short-term relationship I went into what seemed to be mild depression or at least a melancholy mood more melancholic than usual.:)
While my desire to return to Vietnam continues, I have also found more comfort in living in Korea. Eventually, I recovered from my “broken heart” which resulted from leaving Vietnam and the melancholic spirit eventually disappeared. Last summer I visited home and had a bittersweet feeling about leaving Kansas City and St. Louis. I was surprised to find myself at first experiencing reverse culture shock in St. Louis as I saw some people without a lot to do on a hot summer day. I enjoyed catching up with my friends and family in Colorado, Kansas City and St. Louis. The day before I returned to Korea, I vowed that if I didn’t find some deeper relationships with people that I would not return to Korea once my contract ended.
In one sense, relationships didn’t change as drastically as I had hoped and in another sense I eventually did find more lasting relationships, one of which has just recently begun to develop. While some of the relationships that were born have since died or seem to have withered in some sense, it was refreshing for those moments. One of the more difficult decisions I have had to make since I came back to Korea was leaving one of the churches I was involved in. I knew this was too much before I went home for a visit during the summer and was hoping it would somehow work itself out without my having to do anything intentionally.
Of course that kind of wish is something that could only happen in a storybook at best. When I returned, the feeling of turmoil seemed ever-present as I tried to maintain presence in both churches which are not very far apart in terms of distance. At one point I had made a decision and went to tell someone about it and he convinced me to consider other options. So I deferred the decision for another week. But when I returned to both churches the next week I felt like I was cheating one or both of the churches. After talking with a few Korean friends at the church I was more drawn to, I decided to make a decision and go with the church that I found to be more inviting. Actually they pushed me to make a decision after apparently being tired of my swaying back and forth.
Following that decision, I had some uneasy feelings as I wondered whether I made the right decision and whether the feelings I had at the previous church would follow me to the other church that I was now committing to. While I had some uneasy feelings at first and some members of the former church seemed a little more distant than before, eventually the uneasiness rested and I had a greater sense of peace.
While there was some discomfort with the people I go to church with on both parts, theirs because they are shy about speaking English and mine because my Korean is not great, they really tried to communicate with me. And more relationships developed as a result, particularly with the mothers of the children I have been teaching.
Through this experience I learned that there are times when I have to make decisions that might be uncomfortable to me or someone else in spite of the culture. Sometimes I think that we foreigners try to walk on eggshells, so to speak, regarding culture. Since even natives of Korea have difficulty always understanding Korean culture I cannot expect to do everything perfectly.
Of course the lessons continue. Right now the most difficult thing for me to do is to sit through a Korean sermon. I was surprised one Sunday when I heard a Korean missionary preach in Korean and as long as he told stories I was able to trek with him. But once he moved into theology I was lost. This has brought some remorse to mind because I know I have preached a lot of difficult sermons that have been over the heads of many people who were native English speakers themselves.
Recently, I bought a Korean Living Bible which is much easier to understand than the common Korean translation. The language in the Bible I recently bought is much easier to understand. I have been involved in a lot of arguments in America about which translation is the most accurate and I have never been interested in buying the simplest translation of an English Bible because I didn’t think the translation was good enough. It’s funny how different it is when I can’t understand something if it isn’t in the simplest of the simplest Korean Bibles.
So here are two aspects of my life that are apparently pretty significant. My biggest adventure during the vacation has been teaching English Camp and seeing a different part of Korea just a few hours away that is known for a particular type of food (spicy chicken and ricecake). It takes about 2 1/2 hours by bus and is a nice change from the routine of my life in the city where I live. It is interesting going there and sometimes being approached by restaurant staff who seem eager to practice their English.
During the last few months, I’ve also had my first experience of buying a train ticket. This was easier than I expected. I also learned that it is a good idea to have a reliable source tell you which landing to go to to get on the right train. My friend told me the wrong landing number and I ended up missing the train. Though I had to pay more money, this gave me practice using Korean because I had to explain to the lady at the sales counter why I missed the bus. It also meant that I had a seat instead of standing like I would’ve had to do if I would’ve caught the earlier train.
I have many opportunities to meet people and I hope to be more intentional about developing relationships with these people. Sometimes it is easy to meet a lot of different people but it is difficult to develop relationships with them because of the difficulties of developing relationships.
I have referred indirectly to the contract but I haven’t stated my latest decision regarding my plans to stay longer. I was hoping to network some before making my decision but because the university needed to know sooner than I expected whether I planned to return for at least another year I just decided to renew my contract. While the contract is for two years, it is possible for me to leave at the end of the semester before the two years are up. However, I intend to stay at least for 2 more years. Meanwhile I’m hoping to start networking with NGOs and considering further training that would enable me to somehow continue my dream of helping poor people. I’m continually trying to improve my Korean which is a difficult task but not impossible and my ability to communicate seems to be improving. When I first came here, I couldn’t say hello in Korean and now I am able to have simple conversations in Korean. So hopefully in another two years my Korean will be that much better.
Sometimes I have the joy of having someone share their own personal struggles with me that they aren’t comfortable talking to their senior pastor about. Unfortunately, it is a little difficult to be of much help because of my language limitations. But I am able to do more now than before. Recently, when one of my friends told me over lunch about one of these kinds of struggles, we reminisced about when I first came to Korea, how I couldn’t utter one word in Korean, how we communicated the first time we had lunch together (with an electronic dictionary that I take with me just about everywhere I go) and how now we can have some conversation without the dictionary (I said some).
This level of communication has enabled me to have conversations with taxi drivers, like the time I got stuck at a subway station with a US Army soldier about thirty minutes or an hour from the city I live in. After he dropped off the US Army soldier he and I conversed some in Korean and I learned how low of a wage taxi drivers earn and why they drive so fast and run as many red lights as they do.
Recently a colleague convinced me to register for a Korean test coming up in April. I decided to try for the intermediate level though now I realize this might be just a little bit over my head. If I don’t do well, I think it will be a good resource for studying Korean and I think it will help me improve my Korean even more. Of course I am hopeful that I will do well and that this will open more opportunities for service in Korea.
I hope this gives you some idea of what I have been up to. I hope you won’t hesitate to contact me and I appreciate your thoughts, considerate e-mail and the many prayers you offer to our God in Christ by the Holy Spirit on my behalf as well as those I am living with and working with in Korea.
God’s Shalom,
Brent Dirks
Korea Nazarene University
456 Ssangyong-Dong
Cheonan-City, Chung Nam
330-718 South Korea
Office: 82-41-570-1426
Cell Phone: 82-10-7570-1434
Skype: (970) 352-1904
Dear Friends,
Greetings from South Korea, the place that has been my home away from home for almost 2 years. The time has gone faster than I expected, and my 2 year anniversary will be in April. Now that I have been here this long, everything seems to be mostly routine. Let me use my imagination a little bit and see if I can share some adventures to make it worth your time.
The most recent newsletter I can find is the one I sent after my trip to Vietnam. If I am mistaken, I apologize for some of the repeated information that I have included here. As you may recall, I had fallen in love with Vietnam and was wishing there were a way for me to revisit Vietnam. After I returned to Korea, I had no motivation to study Korean and following a short-term relationship I went into what seemed to be mild depression or at least a melancholy mood more melancholic than usual.:)
While my desire to return to Vietnam continues, I have also found more comfort in living in Korea. Eventually, I recovered from my “broken heart” which resulted from leaving Vietnam and the melancholic spirit eventually disappeared. Last summer I visited home and had a bittersweet feeling about leaving Kansas City and St. Louis. I was surprised to find myself at first experiencing reverse culture shock in St. Louis as I saw some people without a lot to do on a hot summer day. I enjoyed catching up with my friends and family in Colorado, Kansas City and St. Louis. The day before I returned to Korea, I vowed that if I didn’t find some deeper relationships with people that I would not return to Korea once my contract ended.
In one sense, relationships didn’t change as drastically as I had hoped and in another sense I eventually did find more lasting relationships, one of which has just recently begun to develop. While some of the relationships that were born have since died or seem to have withered in some sense, it was refreshing for those moments. One of the more difficult decisions I have had to make since I came back to Korea was leaving one of the churches I was involved in. I knew this was too much before I went home for a visit during the summer and was hoping it would somehow work itself out without my having to do anything intentionally.
Of course that kind of wish is something that could only happen in a storybook at best. When I returned, the feeling of turmoil seemed ever-present as I tried to maintain presence in both churches which are not very far apart in terms of distance. At one point I had made a decision and went to tell someone about it and he convinced me to consider other options. So I deferred the decision for another week. But when I returned to both churches the next week I felt like I was cheating one or both of the churches. After talking with a few Korean friends at the church I was more drawn to, I decided to make a decision and go with the church that I found to be more inviting. Actually they pushed me to make a decision after apparently being tired of my swaying back and forth.
Following that decision, I had some uneasy feelings as I wondered whether I made the right decision and whether the feelings I had at the previous church would follow me to the other church that I was now committing to. While I had some uneasy feelings at first and some members of the former church seemed a little more distant than before, eventually the uneasiness rested and I had a greater sense of peace.
While there was some discomfort with the people I go to church with on both parts, theirs because they are shy about speaking English and mine because my Korean is not great, they really tried to communicate with me. And more relationships developed as a result, particularly with the mothers of the children I have been teaching.
Through this experience I learned that there are times when I have to make decisions that might be uncomfortable to me or someone else in spite of the culture. Sometimes I think that we foreigners try to walk on eggshells, so to speak, regarding culture. Since even natives of Korea have difficulty always understanding Korean culture I cannot expect to do everything perfectly.
Of course the lessons continue. Right now the most difficult thing for me to do is to sit through a Korean sermon. I was surprised one Sunday when I heard a Korean missionary preach in Korean and as long as he told stories I was able to trek with him. But once he moved into theology I was lost. This has brought some remorse to mind because I know I have preached a lot of difficult sermons that have been over the heads of many people who were native English speakers themselves.
Recently, I bought a Korean Living Bible which is much easier to understand than the common Korean translation. The language in the Bible I recently bought is much easier to understand. I have been involved in a lot of arguments in America about which translation is the most accurate and I have never been interested in buying the simplest translation of an English Bible because I didn’t think the translation was good enough. It’s funny how different it is when I can’t understand something if it isn’t in the simplest of the simplest Korean Bibles.
So here are two aspects of my life that are apparently pretty significant. My biggest adventure during the vacation has been teaching English Camp and seeing a different part of Korea just a few hours away that is known for a particular type of food (spicy chicken and ricecake). It takes about 2 1/2 hours by bus and is a nice change from the routine of my life in the city where I live. It is interesting going there and sometimes being approached by restaurant staff who seem eager to practice their English.
During the last few months, I’ve also had my first experience of buying a train ticket. This was easier than I expected. I also learned that it is a good idea to have a reliable source tell you which landing to go to to get on the right train. My friend told me the wrong landing number and I ended up missing the train. Though I had to pay more money, this gave me practice using Korean because I had to explain to the lady at the sales counter why I missed the bus. It also meant that I had a seat instead of standing like I would’ve had to do if I would’ve caught the earlier train.
I have many opportunities to meet people and I hope to be more intentional about developing relationships with these people. Sometimes it is easy to meet a lot of different people but it is difficult to develop relationships with them because of the difficulties of developing relationships.
I have referred indirectly to the contract but I haven’t stated my latest decision regarding my plans to stay longer. I was hoping to network some before making my decision but because the university needed to know sooner than I expected whether I planned to return for at least another year I just decided to renew my contract. While the contract is for two years, it is possible for me to leave at the end of the semester before the two years are up. However, I intend to stay at least for 2 more years. Meanwhile I’m hoping to start networking with NGOs and considering further training that would enable me to somehow continue my dream of helping poor people. I’m continually trying to improve my Korean which is a difficult task but not impossible and my ability to communicate seems to be improving. When I first came here, I couldn’t say hello in Korean and now I am able to have simple conversations in Korean. So hopefully in another two years my Korean will be that much better.
Sometimes I have the joy of having someone share their own personal struggles with me that they aren’t comfortable talking to their senior pastor about. Unfortunately, it is a little difficult to be of much help because of my language limitations. But I am able to do more now than before. Recently, when one of my friends told me over lunch about one of these kinds of struggles, we reminisced about when I first came to Korea, how I couldn’t utter one word in Korean, how we communicated the first time we had lunch together (with an electronic dictionary that I take with me just about everywhere I go) and how now we can have some conversation without the dictionary (I said some).
This level of communication has enabled me to have conversations with taxi drivers, like the time I got stuck at a subway station with a US Army soldier about thirty minutes or an hour from the city I live in. After he dropped off the US Army soldier he and I conversed some in Korean and I learned how low of a wage taxi drivers earn and why they drive so fast and run as many red lights as they do.
Recently a colleague convinced me to register for a Korean test coming up in April. I decided to try for the intermediate level though now I realize this might be just a little bit over my head. If I don’t do well, I think it will be a good resource for studying Korean and I think it will help me improve my Korean even more. Of course I am hopeful that I will do well and that this will open more opportunities for service in Korea.
I hope this gives you some idea of what I have been up to. I hope you won’t hesitate to contact me and I appreciate your thoughts, considerate e-mail and the many prayers you offer to our God in Christ by the Holy Spirit on my behalf as well as those I am living with and working with in Korea.
God’s Shalom,
Brent Dirks
Korea Nazarene University
456 Ssangyong-Dong
Cheonan-City, Chung Nam
330-718 South Korea
Office: 82-41-570-1426
Cell Phone: 82-10-7570-1434
Skype: (970) 352-1904
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
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